Great Grandma [Modern]

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Okay don't fight me, I made an error in my older works in this series. The only death in modern au is Adam's. I didn't even kill Edgar and Tui so fight me. I had to alter a lot in the planning of these works, but I'm not going back and fixing parts. Please enjoy what happened around Ryuuji's part in the timeline! :3c


"Grandma? It's me, Allen, Alma is with me too. Can we come in?" Speaking up as he knocked on the thick wood of the door, he felt as his hand was grabbed carefully, smiling despite his fidgeting. He knew it had been a while since he had last seen his grandmother, but he couldn't make many excuses that were worth the attempt other than blaming his hectic senior year of highschool.

"Oh it's so nice to see you Allen! It's been so long, look at how much you've grown." Being pulled into a hug by the older woman he's known his entire life, he used his free arm to hug her back before he felt the other being released from its hold.

"I missed you too grandma Kat, I wish I had more time to come visit you, but with it being my last year of school I'm really busy." Feeling his grandmother let go of him, he smiled back as the lightly greying woman smiled at him, her hazel gaze moving to Alma who had taken a few steps back. Oh surely he knew he wasn't getting away without a hug.

"You too Alma, come on." Pulling Alma closer by his wrist, he couldn't help the sound he made when he was pulled into another hug. Being let go of again, he watched as Katerina moved to re-enter her home, tugging at the sleeves of the sweater he was 'borrowing' from Alma. "Come on inside, it's a little chilly out here. Would you like some tea?" Blinking a little, he felt his hand being taken again.

"Could I get water instead please?" Waiting a moment for his grandma to leave the room with a nod, he pulled the front door closed behind him, leading Alma over to the couches to sit. He could tell that he was visibly nervous, and the fact that he felt a warm hand on his leg that was meant to calm him down proved how obvious it was. Being handed his cup of water, he took a sip of the beverage as Alma was handed a cup of tea. Spending a few minutes in comfortable silence, he rested his shoulder against Alma as he took a breath, setting his cup on one of the coasters on the coffee table. Might as well get it over with.

"We actually came over to give you some news, and I really didn't want to just say it over the phone." Pausing for a second, he tried to not think about the mess of an explanation he had made a week ago in front of his dad and uncle. That was an absolute mess, so was when he told Alma but then again he wasn't the one to say it out loud. "Mrs Katerina D. Campbell you are going to be a great grandma." He could feel his cheeks warm up as he spoke, picking up his glass again and using it to partially hide his face.

"And I thought you said that you were busy with school, Allen. Does your father know about this?" Nodding his head a little, he let out a breath, glad that this was going better than the times before.

"We told him and Nea last week, they didn't take the news so well at first. It took a little while for the information to set in." Hearing his grandmother start laughing softly, he finally relaxed where he sat.

"I don't doubt that, I still remember how Nea reacted when Mana brought you home. He was silent for about three seconds before he started freaking out, and he barely left his room the first three days you were here." Laughing a little, he felt better about how telling his father had gone. "So how long until I can brag to my friends about my great grandchild?" Hearing Alma start choking on his tea beside him, he rubbed his boyfriend's back carefully as he set his water back down.

"Well we can't stop you from telling people about it, but it'll be at least another seven months before they're here." Holding his hands up as he tried to push back the blush from his cheeks, he moved both of his hands back into his lap. "If I've been keeping track of the days properly I should be about seven weeks along. Dad and Nea have already offered to help me move my things to Alma's place after I graduate." Keeping the conversation going, he barely realized how dark it was getting outside the window. It wasn't until the large grandfather clock chimed for nine that he realized how tired he was.

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