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Now to get this started, I'd like to acknowledge that a lot of this is coming my personal experience on my own stories & just from my time on wattpad

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Now to get this started, I'd like to acknowledge that a lot of this is coming my personal experience on my own stories & just from my time on wattpad. You guys are free to disagree and think of other things as well. Anyways onto the actual part of this chapter I guess...

So most of the HP community agrees on a lot of head-cannons when it comes to characters and certain plot lines within the story. Especially when it comes to the Marauders era. However, I've seen a lot of people that get really attached to certain head-cannons and will freak out if a person uses a different head-cannon inside of their fic.

That's the one thing that bothers me the most about this fandom especially when it comes to stories: the author is the one that makes the choice of what they want. Whether that be having a very different head-cannon from what's normal or writing a fast-burn instead of a slow burn.

If you want to write Remus being a quiet and soft-spoken "dad" friend of the Marauders, go right ahead. But if you want to write Remus being rambunctious and the mastermind behind everything, it's your story go ahead!

All I'm saying is that when it comes to your head-cannons and fic preferences, don't be rude to the author. It can curb a lot of their inspiration for the story and that's not fair for either of you guys. As readers, you should support the author and if you don't like the way the story is going, you can stop reading and not say anything. As an author who has a fast burn story, I've gotten a bit of hate because of it being fast burn and it truly curbed my inspiration to write for the story.

I know this isn't very long of a chapter but it's just something I wanted to touch on because I've seen this quite a bit over the years of being on here.

Be nice, we're all writing stories because of our love for these characters. You're all very valid for having a head-cannon (even if it's outside of the commonly accepted ones, I have quite a few) or for having fic preferences (like if you want a character to be in a certain house, slow burn/fast burn, etc). (Also to touch on that, if the main character in a fic is a different house from what you wanted, don't be rude about it to the author?? It's happened to me with my main OC being a Gryffindor and people wanting her to be Ravenclaw or slytherin or Hufflepuff).

While we're here tho: drop your opinions on these situations!

Leave some of your fic preferences in this comment and maybe people can respond with fics that fit into that for you!

Drop some of your favorite head-cannons here and others can reply with fics that fit into that as well!

Drop some of your favorite head-cannons here and others can reply with fics that fit into that as well!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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