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This is actually a topic I love to research, I think it's so important to branch out of the normal jobs we think of when it comes to the wizarding world

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This is actually a topic I love to research, I think it's so important to branch out of the normal jobs we think of when it comes to the wizarding world.

Jobs in the wizarding world:
(These will all just be the names of them, you can always ask me later to go further into depth about a specific job/two)

— Auror
— Professor
— Magizoologist
— Mediwitch/Mediwizard
— Activist
— Actor/Actress
— Alchemist
— Examiners (ones who examine kids for OWLS, NEWTS, apparation tests, etc)
— Archiver
— Artist
— Astronomer
— Author
— Bartender
— Breeder
— Broadcaster
— Caretaker
— Scribes
— Curse Breaker
— Dragonologist
— Dueller
— Editor
— Executioner
— Farmer
— Genealogist
— Groundskeeper
— Healer/Trainee Healer
— Herbologist
— Historian
— Inventor
— Potioneer
— Investigator
— Legislator
— Matron (leader of nurses in hospital)
— Minister of Magic
— Metal Charmer
— Muggle Expert
— Musician
— Newspaper columnist/reporter
— Obliviator
— Owlet Trainer
— Personal Assistant
— Philanthropist
— Philosopher
— Photographer
— Physician
— Proprietor (owning a store/shop)
— Quidditch Player
— Saleswizard
— Security Guard
— Shop Keeper
— St. Mungos Welcome Witch
— Translator
— Spell Inventor
— Tutor
— Wandkeeper
— Wandmaker

And that's all the jobs listed on the website. However, your OC can also do muggle jobs and/or not have a job! That's always a possibility! All of these require time to put into them to understand why or how your OC would like to do them !! Hope this helps you guys on your way into developing your OC!

 However, your OC can also do muggle jobs and/or not have a job! That's always a possibility! All of these require time to put into them to understand why or how your OC would like to do them !! Hope this helps you guys on your way into developing...

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