Chapter 1

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Alex was running as fast as she could, she hated the thought of never seeing her feather claded friend again, hated that she couldn't do anything to stop the End Crystal from exploding or the bedrock in its tracks. Everything was crashing down, and no one had the power to do anything about it.

"Alex-! We need to go-!" The Guardian grabbed her wrist trying to get her to move again, no one knew how big this explosion whould be, or if Sabre could even prevent it at all but Alex shook her head. "we should be fine now... can't you feel the pressure building..?" She said softly climbing up onto a hill looking off in the direction that they came. Guardian went to say something before stopping mid word and climbing up to where Alex was, feeling it as well.

Emerald steve looked back and forth between the two of them still extremely worryed about the explosion that was soon to follow the building pressure, wanting to run even further away. He sighed to himself moveing to climb up as well eyes wideing as he spotted a bright white light slowly growing on the horizon.

Alex made a muffled gasp covering her mouth, "s-sabre-.." she sobbed out tears welling up in her green eyes, even though they knew he would be ok as he wasn't from there world she couldn't help but cry knowing her friends there all alone. The Guardian stood silently watching as the white blast continued to expand outwards clenching his fists feathers of his wings bristling from the growing tension in the air.

Emerald steve didn't like this at all. It shoud have exploded by now, then pressure shoudent continue to build like this, something was wrong. Very very wrong. He gulped decideing the voice he consurns. "Somethings happing with the crystal." He stated qight simply steping back watching the ball of white light start to spark purple lightning.

Alex wipped around wipeing the tears from her eyes, "what do you mean by that?" She asked voice trembling starting to get the feeling something was happing now. Emerald simply shook his head, "i.. i mean that something wrong. Very very wrong- The pressure continues to build yet there's no explotion- we should have at least felt it- the Crystals releasing its enery and.." he passed eyes widening feeling a very distint tug stumbling forward for a second along with the others.

The Guardians eyes wided feeling the pressure and energy start getting very very intence, crushing even. "Its drawing its energy back-" he barly heard Emerald steve say as a a deathing crack echoed across the world. Alex stembed falling onto her knees grabbing at the ground the energy trying to draw anyone close to the end crystal her eyes wideing. Guardian felt himself curse grabbing Alex from the ground holding her writ tightly.

"We need to go!!" He barly heard himself scream at Emerald steve as he started to run again knowing very well that if the crystal was trying to pull everything in that this was going to be bad. Emerald didn't need to be told twice and started running again, he wanted to keep running when the stopped anyway. Alex looked behind her scared, this was going to be way bigger then when she exploded those many generations ago. And Sabre was right at the heart of the explosion.

The pressure completely left them makeing them stop and look back only to see that the crystal finaly exploded there eyes wideing even more as trees were ripped out of the ground and flung across the air. Emerald steve grabed the Guardians cloke tugging at it, "WE NEED TO GO!!!" He screamed at them, tugging the two of them to start running yet again trying to desperately get out of the blast radius.

They were unsuccessful.

Alex screamed as the world whent white being flung into a mountain leaving a prominent indent from the blast, curling up into a ball and sqezzing her green eyes shut trying to make herself as small as possible. She lost the Guardian and Emerald steve the blast making them lose there grip on each other. Alex felt something slam into her, world going dark.

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