Chapter 10

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Alex only ran harder when she heard the screaming, Emerald steve yelling for her to stop and turn back, that it was way to dangerous to go any further. Like she whoud listen to him, she was so close now, she could almost make out a figure floating above the void clouded in a violet mist. Only one person could have been at the heart of the explosion, one stupid human that whould give up everything for just the chance to save one person.

Sabre. The same Human that helped the steves from the very beginning of his journey with them. Helped her come to realize who she was supposed to be instead of what her ex wanted her to be. That goofy guy who always made them confused when he made some kind of joke to something they didn't understand. One that Galaxy steve whould start laughing as he mildy understood the concept. Someone from an intire world outside of there own. Where there world was just a game that they could play. Someone that they barly knew anything about, as he was outside there world.

They villainized him when they were told that. Like he was useing them as toys. When everyone knew very well that he didn't. Made him out as the enemy despite him being dignified as the savior. She herself didn't know what to do or think hateing the idea that he could care less about what happened to there world. To them. She saw the confusion and alarm on his blindfolded face when Illusion, Reality steve called him out on it.

It was clear to everyone that he was caught off guard by the sudden shift of focus to him and his world. They didn't listen when he said he needed a moment to gather himself before telling them everything they wanted to know, and Reality didn't give him a second. Qickly claiming that Sabre was hideing it from them all and didn't want them to know any of it.
And just like that even Alex turned on him.

Every singel steve knew that he clearly was from another world. He whould leave and come back time after time. Especially when the Original Rainbow town was still intact, as shes been told by Galaxy steve who heard all about it from Rainbow. There was another human there with Sabre as well, another player who qickly left the steves to there own devices. Rainbow was told that he had moved somewhere else in the world and was harder to contact, that when it was day for him it was night for the other player Lucas.

In the end. They should have asked more about Sabres world. He never once tryed to act like he was from the same world as them. He whould make those jokes even though he knew they probably wouldn't understand. Say things that clearly ideicated he was from another world. He never hid it from any of them. Good or bad. No one ever asked him where he was from, so he simply didn't bring it up. They should have asked him.

Alex shook the thoughts out of her head, skidding to a stop before she ran off the craters ledge and into the void far below. She rested just long enough for Emrald steve and the Guardian both red from the long run the strong wind having made it even harder then the run there.

"Im going to fly and get Sabre." Alex said simply as they collapsed onto the floor Emerald steve qickly looking up in alarm. "Wait, you can't be serious." Emerald qickly tryed to reason forcing himself to stand dusting off his lab coat. The red head looked at him, "can't be serious..?" She said in a calm clear voice stareing at him making him look away silently fidgeting with something in his lab pocket.

"Yes Alex, you can't be serious." He said looking off into the crater. "He was the one who caused this to happen. He was the one who made IT angry." He looked at her. "You know who i mean. It talked to you earlier once we got out of that pond. That human made it find us. And now he's dead because of it," he lowered his voice mumbling under his breath, "im not going to die becuse some human wanted to play around like this worlds some game." Alex twitched a green spark flashing between her fingers a calm yet scary smile on her face.

The Guardian still sitting on the ground looked between the two seeing Alex's powers flicker, his eyes widened standing up and slowly backing way. "Wrong move there.." he said as he backed up making Emerald look up to see Alex smiling at him still twitching, seeing her powers start to activate.

"U-ummm.." Emerald looked around, "i- I mean- its just a human you know-? Not a steve- It made the one who talks to us mad and that's why it attacked us-" "His name is Sabre." Alex cut the Green haired steve off, "And he's the only reason this world is still here. And not just for takeing the explosion of that crystal." She said simply to the slowly pailing steve infront of her.

"You may not be from this particular world, so let me educate you Emerald steve." She smirked amused as the Guardian found a rock to sit on not to far away cleary letting her put the Steve in his place.

"Sabre is what's known as the Savior of this world, long before he even met me or the Guardian. He protected this world for nearly an intire generation before he was put somewhere with a good friend of ours where time was stagnant. Inside for them not even an hour passed before they escaped but who knows how many generations had passed in this world. The world was compleatly different from the one they knew. That's when Sabre met the Guardian. And then me." She smiled to herself rembering the day that he found and saved her from herself.

"I was lost and exsiled by everyone in thisnworld becuse I was so different, they outed me as a witch and I isolated myself. Sabre found me and I ran, but, he chased right after me trying to calm me down insisting that he was different and he was going to help me." Alex laughed a smile on her face, "He did just that. And so so much more.. eventually someone close to me in the past tryed to manipulate me, tryed to make me beleave that this world needed to vanish in order for me to be happy. Sabre tryed to calm me down but I had generations of memories back in my head and I couldn't even think straight, I fell right back to that person who I ran away from in the past. Not long after I realized that person was manipulating me and my anger grew to the point that it exploded.. I made a crater just like this one."

She looked down watching the purple and violet energy shining around sabre, "it was much much smaller compared to this one but I also broke the bedrock to the void... I scaterd myself into three pieces though out the world, and then he brought me back together. Sabre has done so much for this world and thats barly scratching the surface."

Emerald glanced at the crater, "oh."
He said just under his breath looking away. The Guardian stood up walking over ruffling his wings under his cloke, gently patting Alex's shoulder. "Go get Sabre Alex, ill watch him." Alex smiled, "Thank you Guardian." He smiled back stepping back as Alex started to fly a block off the ground as the wind picked up a familiar voice carrying across it.


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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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