Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

*Author's P.O.V*

"Why am I not surprised that your bike reflects you perfectly?" Zayn questions while he walks up behind Harry, who was checking the tires on his bike, with his bike.

"Ahhh!" Harry screams and hit his head on the bike handle as he jumps up from suddenly hearing his voice.

"Oh shit my bad. I should have made myself known in a more considerate way." Zayn chuckles, feeling a little bit guilty.

"No no. I should haven't have been so much in my head." Harry responds then getting on his bike."Are you ready for an adventure?"

"Without a hug?" Zayn asks as he holds his arms open with a fake pout on his lips."I mean I traveled so far into the jungle fighting off deadly creatures in search of you."

"Completely forgot. Your travels doesn't go unappreciated." Harry answers before getting off his bike and tripping into his arms.

His body crashes into Zayn's with a bit of force but not enough to send him stumbling back. He hides his blushing cheeks in Zayn's shoulder as he feels him hug him. The hug feels like a bunch of soft feathers that warm up his entire body. A smile immediately grows on his face when the side of his head is kiss gently. For a second he didn't even realize it was a kiss because it was so tender. He knows that this is Zayn's way of telling him not to be embarrassed about his clumsiness. They pull away after a while and get on their bikes. Harry tries not to giggle when he sees Zayn trying to find a comfortable position to sit in as they rode. He makes a mental note to not take Zayn for granted ever.

It doesn't take long for them to enter the trail. The fact that it is isolated away from everyone else makes the scenery a hundred times more beautiful. The small shorts that are attach to Harry's ass can't help but to attract Zayn's eyes. Whether it was from genetics or working out, he can't be mad at it. That doesn't last long since Harry's giggles start to flood his ears. He looks up at him to see his hair blowing in the wind and his arms in the air. The urge to record this moment is prominent but he doesn't want to risk crashing or losing his phone. He looked like the most adorable big kid ever. He would be crush if Harry is actually evil and just behaving this way to robe him or kill him. It's almost like Harry knows he thought that because he starts talking to him.

"I didn't take you out here to harm you so speed up and please enjoy this day with me." Harry says, motioning at him to come closer to him.

"Can you read minds?" Zayn questions while playfully glaring at him.

"If I could, I wouldn't tell you." Harry teases with a wink before slowing down his bike so Zayn and him are next to each other.

"Ok mister hot shot. First one that gets to the end of the trail wins." Zayn states then picking up speed without a warning.

"No fair!" Harry shouts, going after him with a determined look on his face.

It comes to no surprise when Harry's win the race. Of course, that win came with him being accused of using his witch power to make him win. The two ride back to Harry's home and place their bikes in his garage. The second Zayn started to walk again his thighs and glutes stung, which made him start to walk funny. There's no regrets inside of him though. He would most definitely do it again if it meant he can have that same experience with Harry again. Soon he finds himself being tug upstairs and into a bedroom. The room has a different tone to Harry's personality but he figures he must be remodeling since he sees some bunch up duvets that have drops of something red in a bin. He doesn't linger on it for too long because Harry's pacing takes up his attention. He clears his throat to get him to stop and look at him.

"This might be too soon but can I kiss you?" Harry asks before quickly putting his hands out in front of him."You can say no but it's just I watched some videos and I feel like I can do better this time."

"Remember I can't say no to you. Your witch powers take over the moment I look into your eyes." Zayn replies with his eyes glistening as he grabs his shoulders gently.

"Ok. I'm going to do it now. Just uh stand there." Harry informs then closing his eyes and leaning toward
his lips.

Their lips connect causing him to feel the smile that Zayn has. He tries not to let any thoughts fill his head because he knows that he will start to mess up. Well that's what the woman in the video said. So far, that is his main struggle. He just wants his lips to be in the right position so Zayn can enjoy this just as much as he does. That concern vanish when he gets a quiet groan out of him after he accidentally bite his bottom lip softly. This isn't even suppose to be happening in the first place. He brought Zayn to his room to show him the things he knitted to try and get him to get in to the hobby again. He doesn't realize that they were moving until his ass hits his bed then his back following shortly after. Before he knows it, the kiss is broken and his neck receives the attention.

"What's the matter?" Zayn asks once he feels him tense up slightly."I'm fine with just making out."

"I want to do this but I heard that it hurts a lot." Harry says, trying his best not to let his voice tremble.

"I will only do what you want me to do because it's your body." Zayn reassures, giving him a warm smile while backing off of him.

"No no. I'm ready for this." Harry tells him right before they go back to kissing.

Zayn is hesitant for a while but he just hopes that Harry doesn't notice. It's almost as if someone press a button inside of him as that hesitation washes away and his fingers slowly start to inch Harry's shirt off. When the shirt is taken off, he applies hickies to his soft skin. The small noises that leave Harry's mouth progressively gets louder. The tight shorts on him get pull down somewhat so his v-line can get some attention. Things seem to simultaneously be moving fast and slow because Zayn's shirt is on the floor and both of him have prominent boners that can't be fix with just a cold shower. This moment is way more tense than the first time. It doesn't take long for them to be fully naked and ready for this adventure to happen. There is absolutely no going back after this.




Thoughts??? Let the chaos begin.😈😈😈


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