Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry stands in the lounge area of the club's building. He texts his sister while he waits for his boyfriend to come get him. He tries his hardest not to snoop around as his body practically vibrates in curiosity and excitement. He sticks to the dress code Zayn told him and wears a long baggy shirt and some old sweatpants. A woman bursts through the door completely naked. Her body is completely clean but her eyes look as if she's been through a lot. To Harry, she must be if she doesn't care about her appearance. He focuses on keeping his eyes on her face at all times. Thankfully, her hair is long enough that it covers her breasts a bit. She rushes over to him and grab his shoulders. He flinches the slightest since he thought she was going to hurt him.

"These people are fucking crazy. You have to get me out of here right now." She explains while pulling him toward the door he came through.

Suddenly, Zayn and everyone else comes out of the room. They all grin when they see Harry holding onto the woman. He doesn't notice them since his back is toward them but that doesn't mean she didn't. She gives up on taking Harry with her and makes a dash for the door. Her attempt fails as Niall comes through those doors with her bumping into him. A surprise look is on his face when he sees her but he grabs her by the neck nonetheless. The grip isn't tight enough to where she can't breath. She beats at his chest while he makes her walk backwards to the group. Harry is about to intervene but Zayn comes up behind him and grabs his hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Zayn who is she and why is she naked?" Harry questions, refusing to believe that his boyfriend was going to harm her.

"This is Yuna and she's pure just like you. She is naked so it'll be easier for you to remove her heart." Zayn informs as he motions toward her small figure wiggling about.

"You want me to kill her?" Harry asks, his eyes shifting between the woman and Zayn.

"Yes. I got her just for you." Zayn answers while trying to keep his eyes focus on him.

"I cannot do that. She has done nothing wrong. This entire thing is wrong." Harry replies, taking his hand out of his lover's.

"You can't make him join your sick cult you fuckers." Yuna states, now trying to kick her way out of the blue male's grip.

"Alright let's go potty mouth." Niall says as he takes back to her holding room until they need her.

Her screams for help are still heard when she's back in the room. She also bangs and kicks at the door. The other members walks into their 'special' room to give the couple some space. Zayn can see the millions of questions that buzz around in his boyfriend's head. He wants to touch him so bad so he can know that he's not pressuring him or is going to hurt him. If anyone is hurting right now, it's him because he can see where this is going. This wasn't how it was suppose to go down. The ritual is suppose to happen and they are suppose to live happily ever after. Of course, he knows if anyone was in Harry's shoes now they would behave the same way. Instead of touching him, he changes his stance to give off that he's calm and listening. He gives him a smile to solidify it.

"Zayn can you please explain to me what's going on." Harry begs while trying to hold in his tears and keep his voice steady.

"I can promise you we are not serial killers or satanic but we are a cult nonetheless. We only do what's necessary. All you have to do is take the life of one person and you'll never have to worry about a thing ever again. This is all we really want from you. The cat in the ally was a test for this moment right here." Zayn explains, knowing that some of his members are going to be upset that he's telling him the truth.

"And you're telling me the absolute truth this time?" Harry asks, not wanting his good imagine of him to be ruined.

"Yes. I'm the only one who has taken a life but it was only one person. When we find someone as pure as you and form a strong relationship with them, we must have them take a life of a hopeless animal then a pure human." Zayn informs, hoping that he can still get him to go through with this.

"I'm going to need some time to process all of this but right now I think I should go." Harry states, pointing behind him.

"Alright. Do you want me to drive you home?" Zayn asks and frowns when he quickly shakes his head while backing away from him.

"No, I think I can handle it but thank you though." Harry says then leaves the build quickly and without a glance back.

Zayn grips his hair then begins pacing around the room. There isn't much worry about Harry going around and telling someone about this. He knows that he isn't that stupid and that he's still trying to make up a way to be okay with it. That doesn't mean his heart doesn't sting any less since his touch wasn't welcome by him. It made him feel as if he was a complete stranger to him. That gets his blood boiling as he stops his pacing. He sighs before kicking a chair across the room. It slams into the wall, causing Niall and Camille to check on him. They don't need much help putting the pieces together when they notice Harry isn't here anymore. Niall picks up the chair it where it is suppose to be then comes over to his best friend.

"If you wouldn't have told him the truth, we wouldn't be in this predicament right now." Camille states, picking at her freshly done nails.

"I'm not going to lie to him. He's my boyfriend and deserves to know everything. He comes first and that's how it's going to fucking stay." Zayn spits out at her with his change in stance making her feel small and cautious.

"Whatever." She mumbles then leaves the building, avoiding eye contact with both males.

"We're doing everything by the book so he'll come around soon enough. I'm sure you can speed up the process too." Niall reassures him, throwing his arm around his shoulder and pulling him impossibly close.

"You really think so?" Zayn asks, hope filling his eyes while looking into blue ones that seem to always shine.

"Think so? I know so. I'll be here too to help convince him that you truly love him and want the best for him." Niall responds before pulling him toward the door."In the mean time, let's go help me find my own Harry."




Predictions??? I was joking most of y'all were right about Zayn. I just did a bit of creepy things with Harry to shift y'all theories.😂


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