Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn and Harry walk behind the group while holding hands. The entire time while they were out they were in the back being affectionate and just blocking everyone else out. Even Niall couldn't break Harry's attention away from Zayn. The group took note of that and decided not to say anything to the couple unless it was important. They all know that if they interfere when they're not suppose to then Zayn will yell their ears off. They don't fear him because he isn't the boss of them. That doesn't mean they like upsetting him though like Niall does. After all, he is achieving something magnificent that they simply can't achieve right now. They are suppose to be here for him and him only.

The group stops by an ally to talk about what they are going to do next. Suddenly, Harry hears a meow that sounds in pain. He detaches himself from his boyfriend, who looks at him in confusion, and enters the ally. Despair flashes in his eyes when he sees a cat laying on the ground. The cat's fur is covered in so much mud but it doesn't hide how deadly skinny the cat is. Its front paw is broken and a huge wound is seen on it's back. The cat had to be no older than three years old. Zayn comes over to him then hands him a pocket knife. All he can do is stare at the knife in disbelief and fear. There's no way that he wants him to do what he's thinking. A chill runs down his spine when he sees the serious look in his lover's eyes.

"You should put it out of its misery." Zayn says while handing the knife to him, making sure to have his free hand resting on top of his.

"I don't think I can. We should just take it to the vet or something." Harry replies, wanting to let go of the blade but something stops him.

"It won't make it in time. My love I know how hard this can be but I know you have the strength to go through with it. It will thank you in the end." Zayn explains and gives him the best smile he can muster.

"Thank you for believing in me. I'll do it for you." Harry responds then slowly makes his approach to the cat.

He gets down on his knees, causing blue eyes that are fill with pain to look at him. He can feel the cat pleading for him to help him. He tries his hardest not to cry. This poor thing must have been through hell and back and he'll be responsible for sending it to heaven where it belongs. It almost feels as if a invisible force takes his hand and have him place the tip of the knife near the cat's heart. The cat let's out a horrific meow as the knife pierce its heart. The moment that happens Harry let's go of the knife and immediately rushes into Zayn's arms. Niall swiftly moves pass them to pick up the knife. His eyes dilate as he holds the knife in the sunlight with it shining the blood.

"Are you ready Stormzy because I'm so fucking ready." Niall says, particularly bouncing off the walls.

"Yes but I don't think nobody is more ready than Zayn." Stormzy responds while crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah well when you have a gift like his it's impossible to fail at anything really." Camille informs with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I've gotten the hang of that gift too so it shouldn't be long before I find my own Harry." Niall says then waving her off.

"That shouldn't be hard since you practically force yourself into people's lives." Stormzy states before the tip of the knife is directly in front of his left eye.

"Enough clowning around we have busy to take care of now let's get moving." Camille says then exiting the alley with two behind her.

"Zayn, what are they talking about?" Harry asks, looking up into his eyes.

"They're just talking about how you're a wonderful member of our group because you're going to contribute so many amazing things. You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for." Zayn answers with that washing away any despair that Harry had left in his heart or mind.

Being in this relationship with Zayn has change his life around in so many ways. At first, he was fine with being single because that gave him time to focus on his career and be around his family and friends. There were times when being single would make him sad because he would see so many people in love around him. At one point, he thought he would never find anyone. He just wanted someone he could love forever. When he found Zayn, it was if God had answer him. Now he gets to experience what everyone else around had. They share a kiss as the group bid them goodbye then make their way back to Zayn's car. They walk for quite a while before they come across his car. They get inside but Zayn doesn't immediately start the car.

"I would just like to get this off my chest before it comes to the light." Zayn states and Harry suddenly feels concerned, wanting to help him.

"What is it?" Harry questions after putting on his seatbelt.

"I just want you to know that I want nothing but the best for you so if I ever ask you to do something for me please don't stress about it." Zayn explains, holding both of his hands and rubbing the surface of it gently.

"Ok. I won't stress and just do it because I know you care about my safety very much." Harry responds, feeling ecstatic when his lover starts to smile.

"As long as you trust me, I'll forever be happy and grateful to you." Zayn tells him then kissing all over his face."Whatever you need from me I'll do it too without question."

"I love you." Harry says, giving him an eskimo kiss as his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.

"I love you too." Zayn replies with a laugh before using one hand to hold Harry's and the other one to drive.




Predictions??? Not to be that person but the last two chapters have low votes.😣


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