1 year ago

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Flashbacks ;

" Y/N we should break up . " you couldnt believe what you have just heard - " what - why what did i do wrong ..  break u p - ... ? " you said stuttering every words through the phone calls.. tears starts flowing down more after what he saud next .

" I dont love you anymore y/n  .. you're a distraction .. just dont text me ever again , we're not together anymore.. " those harsh words break your heart into million pieces .. you just didnt know what to do. You felt lost for a second and without realìsing u start crying silently ..  Haruto heard you through the calls , he had no choice ... he loves you but this is the best he could do , to save his career as an idol and to save you ...

It all ended so fast , you were together with him for more than 2 years... but everything just ended so fast you couldnt understand why .. u just felt so lost as if you're trap in a hole . You didnt know what to do .... So you've decided to take a piece of paper and write down all the feelings and everything in your thoughts but what you didnt realise it eventually turn into a song ..... a heartbreaking song ..

Fated To Be ?  ~ Watanabe HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now