Part 12

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"Hey Kaminari, Kirishima!"

"Hey Midoriya! What's up."

"I was just wondering if you knew where Kacchan is, I haven't seen him all day"

Kaminari stops where he is putting on his shoes and smiles a satisfied smile. Izuku can't fathom why, it was just a simple question. However, this is Kaminari, so he ignores it. The same way he ignores the look of 'I told you so' Kaminari is throwing Kirishima right now.

"Oh, really? Why do you ask us?" Kaminari asks sweetly, like he's just begging for the answer he knows is coming. Izuku can see Kirishima visibly sigh in the periphery of his vision. The green haired boy frowns, thrown off balance by the question.

"W-Well, you three are always together so I figured—"

"Aha!" Kaminari shouts. "See Kirishima? I told you, we're bros. Like, real bros. Even Izuku sees it. Our group deserves a name!"

Consider Izuku completely and utterly lost.

"And I gave you a name, 'BakuBros,' that's the good shit!" Kirishima shouts back, frustrated, as though they've talked about this a thousand times before.

In the background, Sero looks horribly left out.

Kaminari humphs annoyingly. "And I told you, if we're gonna use that name might as well call ourselves 'BakuBitches.' We're not Bakugou's bitches, bro."

"Then what do you propose, oh king of great group names."

The sarcasm does not affect Kaminari in the slightest, as a matter of fact, the boy looks delighted. As though he's been waiting for this moment his entire life. "That's the thing bro, I've been thinking about this. And look," he trows an arm over Kirishima's shoulders, stretching his other arm in front of them as if illustrating what he's explaining. "We're, like, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Katsuki right?"

"Why would you use both of our last names but use Bakugou's first name?" Kirishima asks, looking confused.

Kaminari waves him off. "That's not important. Focus. Kaminari, Kirishima, and Katsuki, right?"

Kirishima nods slowly, still looking confused. "Right."

"Check this out bro," Kaminari stops, looking into distance in awe of his very own creation. "We are..."

A pause, and his eyes shine with giddiness.

"The KKK."

Literal crickets sound in the space.

Over by their own shoe lockers, Yaoyorozu and Sui have stopped their very passionate conversation on the merits of tongue lube in non-sexual endeavors to stare aghast at what are, officially now, the BakuBitches.

"They seriously can't be this stupid," Yaoyorozu says.

Sui eyes them considerably. "Just give them a moment, ribbit. Let's have faith in them."

Kirishima is staring blankly at nothing.

"Bro. That's..."

Sui nudges Yaoyorozu with her elbow and whispers. "See, Kaminari might be mentally incapacitated, ribbit, but Kirishima at least pays attention during global history—"

"... a cool ass name bro! Our English initials combined! How did you think of that?"

"— or not. He definitely doesn't pay attention."

The room exhales a collective sigh of fear for the two boys' futures.

"I don't know bro! Sometimes I'm like, Einstein or something."

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