Part 14

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Okay. So Dabi's there. In front of the classroom.

Dabi's in front of the classroom?

Izuku might be having a stroke. Can you hallucinate during a stroke?

"Name's Saeki Yoshiro. Don't bother me."

Dabi meets Izuku's eyes. And two seconds pass before his gaze breaks away, and he's walking. Walking towards an empty seat at the back. He passes Izuku on his way.

"What the fuck," Izuku says out loud. And, in the deafening silence the room has fallen to since Aizawa and Dabi walked in, his words might as well have been spoken through a megaphone.

Everyone's heads turn to him.

Aizawa sighs.

"Just... play nice. All of you. He's a transfer student, and he'll be staying in our class until further notice. Just..." he sighs again, and he sounds so tired. "Nothing. Just behave until I get back. Midoriya, Aoyama, if I could have a word," Aizawa nods towards the door. And it takes a minute for Izuku to understand what's going on.

Aizawa wants him to stand up and walk outside. Yeah. He can do that.

Aoyama stands. He's... white as a sheet. His legs are wavering. But he stands up tall and walks to the front, passes by Aizawa and walks out of the room. Everyone else in the class doesn't seem scared they're just... trying really hard not to stare at the "new transfer student."

It's probably the scars. Izuku supposes.

He gets up.

"Bakugou got kidnapped," is the first thing Aizawa says, after they're in the safety of his office. Izuku has barely closed the door when Aizawa speaks.

"K-Kacchan got what"

"Kidnapped. By the League of Villains. Saeki came and told us about it," Aizawa tells calmly. Looking over some papers by his desk.

Saeki. Who the fuck is Saeki.

Name's Saeki Yoshiro. Don't bother me.

Izuku collapses on the seat closest to him. Aizawa looks over at him. "Bakugou's fine. We found him, but no one else was there. We think that maybe one of them knew Saeki came to us, and they got away before we could get there. We think they might want to come for him."

"C-come for Bakugou?"

"No. For Saeki. That's why he's here, a safety precaution."

Aoyama, for the first time in this entire thing, speaks up. "But he's a villain," and he seems to turn paler when he says it, arms crossed over his chest, trying to disappear.

Aizawa nods. "A villain with a lot of information on the League and that has decided to help us. And a villain no one else in the school knows is a villain," he looks at them respectively. "Except you two. Aoyama, you encountered him during the camp. And Midoriya, you've seen all the footage from that night. But that footage wasn't released to the public, so no one else knows he was there. The Bakugous do not want the kidnapping to go public either."

He waits, tired eyed, as though expecting something.

"You want us to keep it a secret too," Izuku states, carefully. Aizawa considers him.

"I'm taking full responsibility for anything that might happen."

"Why not send him to jail," Aoyama asks, but he's looking down at his feet.

"As I said, I'm taking full responsibility," Aizawa repeats. Then he adds. "He's eighteen, it was easier to pull the strings when he hasn't reached the legal age to be tried as an adult."

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