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~Harry's POV~

"Hey!" A bushy-haired Hermionie strolled up to Harry as he stepped onto the train, pushing a neatly organized trolley. Ron walked behind her, carrying too many books in his arms whilst pushing his trolley with his hip. The two almost blended with a blurry crowd, and Ron's messy auburn hair was the only thing making them stand out.

"Harry! I haven't seen you in forever. I heard Fred say McGonagall's going to turn herself into a horse this year-" Ron began to laugh as Hermionie moved to correct him about McGonagall (her animagus ability certainly does not extend to horses!).

They piled into the train together as the station cleared, exhaust clouding the air with bitter dust. They searched for an empty car, roaming down the aisle and back again. There was only one in the back and they took it gratefully.

"My father kept asking me about wizard dentistry," Hermionie said as she rolled her eyes and sat down, crossing her legs at the ankle. "It was strange." Ron snorted at that and began to share stories about his dad and his weird fascination with muggle pastimes.

The conversation continued, but Harry stopped paying attention, gazing at the passing trees through the window; streaked and dusty with old fingerprints. The glass tarnished, an unusual thing for the otherwise stainless room.

His eyes were fluttering closed when the rolling sound of their door opening jolted him awake.

"There are no more empty cars," a voice muttered, pausing before continuing. "... Can I sit here?" An excuse said quickly and with aggressive reluctance; a question posed more like a command. Harry looked over his shoulder at first, afterwards turning fully to see their company.

The boy peered at them from behind the ruffled blonde hair falling into his confused grey eyes. Draco looked vaguely irritated, brows knit in some type of incense. He tried to flatten and fix his hair as he waited for an answer.

"Yeah, sure, if you're not going to be an asshole..." Harry muttered, irritated, before Hermionie or Ron could say anything. At least this way he wouldn't start a fight. Draco glared at him with unreadable, darkened eyes framed with darker lashes.

Draco sat lazily, stretched out, straightening his robes and gesturing to Harry.

"Thanks." A voice cold and pretentious pushed through gritted, pointed teeth. As if he was paying back a debt by saying one stupid word.

Meanwhile, Harry sat frozen to his chair. Draco had changed in some minor way, almost unnoticeable, but something was different. Perhaps the way he flicked his eyes up, or the hostile air surrounding him like a flinch. Harry studied him, eyes narrowed.

Pale skin and blonde hair, grey eyes noticeably run through with tiny streaks of ice blue, tired bruises accentuating his pupils. No; his appearance was fairly normal. Even if his lips were fastened shut like he was keeping some dark secret inside... But then again, Draco was always sort of dramatic. What's different?

"Why're you staring at me? You wanna fight, Potter?"

Draco smirked, kicking up his shoes in an annoying devil-may-care way on the seat as the train began to pick up speed.

"You wish."

-Draco's POV-

His father left him at the station as soon as possible, Lucius speeding away in his fancy muggle car as if he couldn't wait to get away from his only son. To make it worse, he had ruffled Draco's hair in a 'friendly' way before leaving. Ugh.

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