Bonus: Author's Notes

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Thank you for reading all the way through Carpe Noctem! It was a̶b̶s̶o̶l̶u̶t̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶r̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ such a pleasure to write! It took about a year to get done with it...

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Thanks for getting this far homies, you're great. Now go eat something, sleep, and drink some water! Stay hydrated. You guys are lovely and beautiful and smart!

Before i go, i feel like you should know you just read 68,000+ words, which is the length of an honest-to-god novel. :')

Thanks to

Spotify, ((oh ye, my bois my account is if you wanna check it out))



my other friends (you know who you are),

Compendium of Magical Beasts: An Anatomical Study of Cryptozoology's Most Illusive Beings by Melissa Brinks and Veronica Wigberht-Blackwater,

my father (thank god he doesn't have wattpad)

Isolation by Bex-chan,

JK Rowling,


The Secret History by Donna Tartt,

The Ancient Magus' Bride by Kore Yamazaki,

And many others :)


Here are my notes while writing this!! Have fun reading them.... Haha.... For the full effect, I didn't spell check or edit them.


okay so quick outline real quicky quick. draco has a lucid dream first, and sees harry. Draco grabs harry, and they kiss n talk, or start to at least. That's when dark academia villian tm comes around. "wanna share som tea lol" he says.... or something like that. high quality. draco wakes up. and he forgets all about the strange dream. lesbian tm is downstairs, sippin some tea. draco almost remembers something n then shakes it off because eh, just de ja vu. draco u dumbass its not just de ja vu its fukin homocide. marigolds symbolize cruelty, grief, and jealousy :D

wHAT IF solipsism is real. and everyone you've ever met is just another aspect of yousefl?? Another aspect of your personality?? And you're friends with the aspects you like most, but your enimies with the aspects you wish you didn't have??? aND???

i l ike girls they re cute hehe i want a wife imma cry

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH waitwaitwaitwait what do i do to make the dementor fit in. why did I even put a dementor, this wasn't in the plan what the hell. AND THERE'S THE SCENE W THE DEMENTOR like happened w harry, but this time it's draco, and he knows the patronus. draco freaks out for obvious reasons cuz there's something fishy going on (((ahahahhahahah fish I;m tired))) he writes a letter to dumbledore or smth. let's put a lesbian in the hotellll f o r m q u e e r c l u b ..........form voltron...

my readers want smut and idk how to write smut does this mean i'll have to learn how to write it.... oh no welp anything for the reads *chucks self off of cliff*

MORE WRITING creature thingy thing bc i forget what theyre called a lot n need to refer back to this a lot hedkckfd THERE CALLED SECORMORS and uh idk i forgot the other one What if a patronus was so strong it sort of blasted a dementor, so strong it shook its being (kind of like the death of a dementor, but they can't die, soo) and dissolved its ties to azkaban. This happens with only the patronuses of very, very strong wizards (i.e Voldemort, Dumbledore) and when that happens the ministry usually finds them and ties them back up. BUT this new strong wizard person has started collecting all of these dementors with no ties and making them bow to HIM instead of the ministry. This makes the dementors docile towards the wizard, as long as the wizard in question gives the dementor the opportunity to eat more souls. This is sort of a symbiotic relationship, helped on by a lil bit of magic. The wizard uses the dementors for his/her own purposes. More related to levifolds than dementors. Scarce but not harmless. TASTE EMOTIONS?? LET'S MAKE THEM TASTE EMOTIONSSSS AND EACH PERSON'S EMOTIONS ARE CONNECTED TO THEIR EXPERIENCES!!!! like Draco's happiness tastes like, say, apples and sea salt and peppermint tea! But Harry's tastes like diagon alley's ice cream sundaes and hagrid's rock cakes and chocolate frogs. Secormors (death followers) are their names. DUCIMORS ARE THE FIRST THINGIES. SECORMORS ARE THE FOLLOWERS. REMEMBER DAT

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