Epilogue/ Smut, You Demon Children

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Epilogue/ Smut, You Demon Children

~Nobody's POV~

Hogwarts was upended in the days that followed. The security was increased nearly tenfold, seeing as a murderer was able to slip through with only an ageing potion and a particularly lovely disposition. Dumbledore swore he had nothing to do with it, but the Ministry took him to court anyway. Naturally, Dumbledore got away scot-free.

The Losian had mysteriously disappeared as soon as Robin and Kais were gone, which was convenient for everyone involved. The ministry didn't have to file a report, and Ron's mother didn't have to disclose her finding spell. Ron and Hermionie were so deep inside the caverns that they needed to call someone to get out- and Dumbledore was happy to oblige.

Speaking of Ron and Hermionie, they had finally gotten out of the awkward pining phase, and Ron had asked her out. Hermionie, of course, said yes... Although the date happened to be a simple walk around the courtyards. Neither of them were very badly hurt, although Ron spent a day in the hospital wing anyway.

And Harry? Well, Harry wasn't easy to kill.

The doctors were, understandably, worried. He had fallen down onto hard rock, hitting his head and getting a bad concussion. His head was bleeding, but they said nothing vital had been hurt. The threat of a coma or infection still loomed over them for that first day, which Ron and Hermionie spent at Harry's bedside.

Madam Pomfrey soon announced that he would make a full recovery, and as the complicated cocktail of painkillers and sedatives were eased off, he awoke.


~Harry's POV~

The windows were open, a slight cold breeze flirting with the edges of Harry's white bedsheet. Morning light shone on everything with a soft yellow tinge, bringing warmth into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey drifted through the room, fluffing pillows and checking in with a few students. When she noticed Harry's eyes fluttering open, she went over to his bed and poured him a cup of water.

"Hey. You're awake, I see." She smiled a bit, though her eyes didn't show any mirth.

Harry licked his dry lips and reached for the glass of water, mouth fuzzy with waking. After taking a few swallows, he put on his glasses and watched the room sharpen. "How long have I been out?"

"Twelve years." Madam deadpanned, and horror broke in his stomach before she laughed to herself. "I'm kidding. About three days. You have quite a few visitors waiting to see you..."

Throughout the next hour, Harry was visited by Dumbledore, Ron, Hermionie, Seamus, the Weasley twins, Luna, and a multitude of others. They all left gifts; there was the candy, of course, but also a muggle yo-yo, a wooden horse, and sixteen tiny green army soldiers that moved and talked to each other. Although this was undoubtedly entertaining, he didn't see the one person he hoped to see the most.


Of course, he didn't see Draco- the image of his lover's body still hung in the back of Harry's brain, dampening any happiness that this might've brought him. He destroyed the villains, sure, but for what cost? Draco was dead.

Draco was dead.

Madam Pomfrey reentered the room, looking exhausted in the very specific world-weary adult way. "You have one more visitor, Mister Potter. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Harry sighed slightly, although he was thankful for all the guests. They kept his mind off of grief- and there was a lot of that. It was a stone settled in his stomach. It exhausted him and weighed him down as he searched the door for the next visitor. He sat up against his pillows.

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