Chapter 13- Ron The Magical Girl, Also A Castle

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Chapter 13- Ron The Magical Girl, Also A Castle

~Draco's POV~

It was dark.

Sounds were muffled, but something was squeaking. A door? The wheels of a gurney?

Something smelled like piss and mould and-... Strangely, of the sea. Salty air. Everything was warm and the atmosphere was too heavy for anyone to lift their head.

He was drifting in and out. Someone spoke, far away, and laughed. Their voice was soft and familiar. Draco thought he saw eyes in the shadows- he thought hands were grabbing him- he thought the air was poison.

There was never evidence that he was wrong.

Where was he?


It was dark.


~Harry's POV~

They stood in front of Dumbledore's fireplace for an 'experiment', sweaty fingers clutched around handfuls of greyish-greenish floo powder. Harry still had no idea how Hermione convinced the headmaster to let them use his office.

"Okay. I'll go first. Remember, say the local name- I've heard local names are more likely to work." The girl in question's voice was strong, but her hands shook as she threw her handful of powder into the already-lit fireplace. The low, red flames turned huge and emerald green; Hermionie hesitated for only a moment before stepping into them. "The Losian." She didn't cough or stutter.

Soon she was gone. Ron and Harry were left looking at each other pensively, looking into the fire as if they would find Hermionie there. Swallowing, Harry stepped up to the fireplace- but as soon as he did, the bricks around it began to tremble.

"Look out!" Ron threw himself at Harry, knocking them both out of the way as Hermione came shooting back out the fireplace. She landed hard on the floor, skidding until she knocked into a table and a book fell onto her head. Propping herself up on her forearms and hoisting herself to the ground, they got a better look at the girl.

Her robes were caked with ashes, and her hair was grey with them. Tiny still-burning ashes streaked down her cheeks like tears. "Hi, guys." With that, Hermionie coughed self-deprecatingly. "That didn't work."

"Well, yeah, you're kind of pointing out the obvious there," Ron scoffed, stepping closer to Hermionie and brushing away some ashes. "Uh, you got some...." They blushed.

Harry completely ignored them, and instead crouched by the fireplace to examine the embers. A slip of paper sort of drifted down, down, down and landed directly in front of him. Picking it up and standing, he read it out loud to his friends.

"Nice try..." The script was long and graceful, written with what must've been a quill, judging by the dots of ink in the corner.

Ron and Hermionie jumped apart. "What?" Hermione mumbled, blushing- Harry was staring at the two.

"Nothing! Just this piece of evidence you two ignored in favour of flirting." Harry shot back, and Ron opened his mouth to argue before Harry cut him off. "You're totally flirting, don't try to argue."

Ron shut his mouth.

Hermione moved closer, gently taking the slip from Harry's hands. "You think this is from Robin? Or Kais, whichever."

Harry nodded, swallowing as fear began to cut up the lining of his stomach. These were real villains they were up against- why do people keep coming after me? After Draco? He sighed to himself, scrunching up his brows then releasing the muscles to hopefully expel stress. Taking off his glasses, he cleaned them on his shirt even though they weren't dirty, only to put them back on.

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