Chapter 8- Daddy Issues

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(I hecking love this song, I've listened to it 3294893830 times)

Chapter 8- Daddy Issues

~Harry's POV~

"Draco!" Harry basically attacked the other boy with a giant hug from behind upon seeing him in the hallways, an attack Draco was obviously not anticipating; he threw Harry off onto the cold, hard ground and was reaching for his wand before he realized who it was; a smile grew on his face, though exasperated it was.

"Harry?? What the hell, you scared me, you idiot."

Harry laughed at that, rubbing his back as heaved himself up. "No need to curse!"

Draco let out a stream of curses at this, just to spite him, and Harry growled in a most playful way. But Draco quickly sobered; Harry cocked his head, sensing the change of mood.

"What is it?"

Did he kiss Freckles again? Does he want to break up? Is he leaving? Does he hate me, does he hate it here? Did I do something? What did I do?

"Well..... Dumbledore, I mean, he wants me to... Leave the school." Draco swallowed, trying to keep his voice steady. For the most part, he succeeded. He looked at the ground when he said this, presumably so he wouldn't have to see Harry's reaction. And Harry's reaction?

"What?" The sound was empty. A sound: that's what it was. Barely a word anymore, kind of like how if you read something over and over again, it starts looking like a jumble of symbols in an ancient language you forgot how to translate centuries ago.

"No, Draco! I'm not allowing this. Nope." At this, Harry laughed as if he was kidding, but the sound was hollow. Draco winced and looked back up at Harry's cardboard-smiling face.

"But... Dumbledore said I had to, so I have to. You get it." Harry did get it. He got it. He just wished he didn't.

"Okay... Well, where are you staying? When are you leaving?"

"My father's, and I assume I'll be leaving as soon as possible. Dumbledore will send for the train in a few hours, so... I probably won't see you again for a while." Draco looked at his nails, aloof and poised. The aloof illusion was in place, but tainted- in some subtle but essential way, it was off. Harry swallowed, looked at him up and down, and ran a hand through his night-black hair. The lighting in the hall lit up their faces with a haunting glow, and the faraway laughter of Peeves didn't help much to brighten the atmosphere.

Harry nodded, as he didn't have much to say, and Draco watched the dust motes float to the ground in a shard of light from a window. Harry watched him watch, a stone of mourning settling in his stomach prematurely. His eyes; so Ice-blue they froze Harry in place. Eyes he wouldn't see for a while. A figure lined in dark indigo. Lanky with vampiric speed and teenage awkwardness. Blonde hair- usually immaculate, but lately mussed with knots unwittingly tied by Harry's fingers.

Harry licked his bottom lip nervously. "I... I'm going to miss you." He said, looking to his hands for some type of cue card hidden that would perhaps appear if he looked hard enough. It was true, wasn't it? He was going to miss Draco, wasn't he? Even with the recent fret about Freckles? Even with the frequent arguments?

Funny how everything changes, how relationships- once naked, sputtering, infuriating in their madness- are changed too slowly to really ever grasp at all. It is only later, in solitude or silence, when realization dawns: when the curtain lifts and the kiss is broken; when one looks around and finds oneself- quite to one's surprise- in an entirely different world. One where once-enemies are friends, or- more suddenly- lovers.

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