Chapter 3- Hate Kisses Because Obviously We Hate Each Other

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((okay but I love Daughter, their music is the BOMB))

Chapter 3- Hate Kisses Because Obviously We Hate Each Other

~Draco's POV~

He had run out of pills.

He should've been more careful- and he definitely should've followed the dosage. Now Draco sat, wide-eyed in his bed, staring into the empty bottle. Maybe if he looked hard enough, more would appear.


Even worse, he was hungry. Not for traditional food. For blood. Oh, biting someone's neck, their messy black hair in your fingers, tugging their head to the side... Why messy black hair? Draco didn't know. It was sort of random, but he let it go.

Wait! Pansy had black hair. Maybe Draco had a crush on Pansy... Hm, he hadn't thought of her that way before, but friends can change, right?

Later, in the hallways, a beautiful amber phoenix landed on his shoulder and almost bowled him over with the momentum. It had a mangled letter in its golden beak, and it spit it out onto the floor in front of Draco before taking off.

"Fuc- fudging bird!" He barely restrained himself as another group of students passed. Draco stuffed the paper into his pocket before running to get to his next class, history. Ugh.

Professor Binns droned and droned, all of his words in the same tone. It made his words blur together like background noise, and made it easier to open the letter unnoticed.

Dear Draco, the letter said in scrawling script.

It would be a pleasure if you joined us in the library for your next period. You should be in History right now, so I think you'll get much deference if you skip. Maybe he won't even notice! If someone tells you off, tell them Dumbledore sent you. Which he did! There was a tiny drawing of a star here, messy as a toddler's crayon art.

From, Professor Dumbledore!

Draco gathered up his things, sighing, then slipped out of his chair. Most of the kids were sleeping, and he thought he was going to get away before the creaky machinery of Professor Binns' face began to grind and the cardboard dawn of recognition showed on his ancient face.

"Draco Malfoy?" He muttered, a dim light turning on behind his eyes. He spoke a bit louder now as if he had trouble hearing his own words. "Class hasn't ended yet."

Draco froze, then turned very slowly. Darn. He had almost reached the door. "Uh, yeah, I'm aware. It's just that Dumbledore wants me..." All while talking, he was inching towards escape.

Professor Binns laughed absently. "Have fun with that old lion."

Draco wasn't sure if he was referring to Dumbledore, or if they had slipped down the cliff into a senile craze. He muttered a quick goodbye, then slipped out of the classroom.

Down the halls, skidding and running- oops, he was probably late- Draco almost slammed into the library's heavy oak door before pushing it open. He was out of breath, dishevelled- yet when he burst into the room, there was virtually no reaction.

Dumbledore took another sip of his tea, pinky stuck out.

"Come in, won't you?" They sat at a small table with three small china teacups and an intricate teapot. Steam was rising from all three cups, and there was a plate with tiny cookies in the middle. Harry was already seated across from the headmaster.

Harry smirked irritatingly. "Why're you late? Too busy in the bathroom?" He said, raising his eyebrows and taking a very deliberate sip of tea. He flicked his eyes towards Draco as a snake would flick its tongue.

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