Chapter 6- The Aftermath (Co-Starring Wine)

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Chapter 6- The Aftermath (Co-Starring Wine)

Draco's POV

Draco didn't feel a thing for a second. Instead, he stared blankly at the colourful spines of the books on the oak shelves. Each one seemed to be laughing behind his back. I can't believe he did that!!

He felt the floor, hard and cold, beneath his shoes. The warm air, smelling of dust, cool and sad. Perhaps even the warmth of Freckles, still pushed flush against his chest.

And then- there it was- just a tingle, just a glimpse-



Draco Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy, was terrified. For the first time, he was in danger of losing somebody he loved.

Whenever he broke something at home, spilt, made a mistake, it was always just... Erased.

This wouldn't be erased, he realized slowly.

This would never be erased.

Freckles looked up at Draco, eyes wide, curly hair falling into his eyes. "I'm- I- I'm sorry-"

Draco whipped around to stare at this boy who just ruined everything. "Sorry doesn't fix it!" He snapped, voice growing louder and louder, breath quickening.

"You don't just kiss somebody!! That's not a thing that you do!!" Draco snarled at him, fangs shining in the light. Freckles, quite frankly, looked terrified.

"I'm- I'm sorry- I had to-"

"You had to?! Who was forcing you to kiss Harry?? Nobody!!"

Freckles took a deep breath, shoulders shaking terribly. A pang of regret struck Draco, but he held strong.

"I d-didn't... I-I just, I thought..." Freckles paused, getting ahold of his words and flicking his eyes away.

"W... Well, you were being so nice to- to- to me, and I just... Have an, an annoying thing that whenever a person- a person is being nice to me, I think they're flirting..."

Sighing, biting the inside of his cheek, the blonde spoke a bit more calmly this time.

"Fuck. Okay. Um- tell you what- I'll deal with you later. Don't worry, no murder on my repertoire, but... I need to go...."

No murder... Yet. Besides, there was no reason for Harry to look that heartbroken unless he liked him back... No. Impossible. He probably liked Freckles, that's why.

Draco gestured towards the door, bouncing from foot to foot with the need to chase after his- enemy?- friend?- fuck, his acquaintance.

Freckles smiled a bit too big and nodded a bit too enthusiastically. "G-go g-g-get 'em, tiger!"

His voice was cracking. Not naturally- it was if he was forcing it. But the sorrow in his eyes was real. The fear.

Draco was already gone.


The stone hallways were familiar and filled with hazy memories. The last time he left the library like this, he was running. And yes- there was the column. The stone column where Draco bit Harry (his first time biting a living creature). Where they had their heat-of-the-moment kiss.

The memory of Harry's lips on his made him smile. It wasn't a happy smile. It was a tremulous one, drawn up at the edges like it was hung on his face. It was filled with what if I never get to kiss him again?

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