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the last chapter was my last musical chapter & my first time writing smutty smut. let me know how i did😭, btw it's still night time & asahi just got in bed. ( and if you haven't read my a/n please do that ! )

Nishinoya pov

"im still royally pissed at you." i continue to look up at the ceiling. "i know." i feel tears starts to come down my face "i don't know if it's from my emotions or the dick, probably my emotions but momma ain't raise no bitch so imma say the dick." i sniffle a little and i can hear asahi trying to hold back his laughter at my very serious statement.

im jus tired of emotions okay.
"what happened noya? why did you run off?"
UNIVERSE DID YOU NOT HEAR ME IM FUCKING TIRED OF EM! ( universe: "don't yell at me bitch!" )  i sigh heavily "asahi, you may have some immaculate indescribable dicking skills and thats me talking even without bringing up your size. regardless, it won't influence me to give you the juicy fruit detail so you can chew them up."

"i will never force you to tell me detailed or basic information but i really hope you will tell me what ever your willing to & even if you tell me nothing. i will have to be okay with that, but we will have to deal with it a better way then this. no matter how much it feels like it to me, or is my personal reality. you are not the only motherfucker in the world." i let the words sink in before responding.

"you're thoughtfulness is something i'am not deserving of..." it fall silent, so i decide to speak once more. "i don't know if i'll ever be ready to tell you what's truly wrong in full detail fuck basics, but one day. hopefully, i will." i turn my head to see him looking at
the ceiling one hand under is hand other at his side moonlight dancing on

"im sorry." his head turns to me "don't be."
"if it's for you, i'll happily get gray hairs from stress." i sigh "your fucking sweet, but stressing you out is not really what i want
to do." i assume he doesn't know how to respond to that because his gaze averts before coming back to mine very harshly.

"i get what you're saying, but don't blame yourself for anyone's stress. everyone in your life cares about you in immense ways, ways you yourself couldn't imagine. we stress because we would lose every last brain cell if something were to happen to you and it's the same for everyone else in the group, we all feel the pain of tanka's absence. everyone is cared about in the group, including you noya."

he turns on his side and his lips curve into a small smile ." can i let you in on a secret though." i nod "mhm." "c'mere." i roll over 2 times so his face in next to my head i turn my face towards him slightly in curiosity. "look at the ceiling." and i do so. i feel a hand rest at the side of my face and he scoots closer. " now i don't have favorites but i might care about you more than others." he backs his head up and i turn mine so im facing him.

my blush is very visible but i have no way to hide it. "might." he chuckles, "well, no... i do."
i can't help the grin that comes on my face and he smiles wide at me. "really though, i am sorry. shit just gets wild."

"that's understandable, i don't have any mental illnesses but i can sympathize."

"don't pity me."

"i don't."

"that's the definition of sympathy , and if you sympathize you are acting on your feelings of pity."

"well instead of sympathize, let me be a place you seek solace for. i am here."

"all might?"

( authour chan: crossover👁👄👁?  )

he just laughs. he wipes my dried up tears and i just roll my eyes "im glad this wasn't a happy go luck, let's ignore our real issues pillow talk. im to depressed and fucked out for that."

"speaking of fucked out, why couldn't we have this conversation before the sex."

"do you remember what happened or do you regret that your own nonchalance and aggression got you."

he sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "i was a whole different person then."

"so your saying you regret where that "person." got you."

"no." he turns a light red and a deep chuckle is heard. "not at all... but maybe it could've been more romantic if we had came to understanding. even if we didn't have sex
tonight, our first time together could've been something special."

"your talking like it's your first time all together."

"tch, sure did feel like it. not to sound vulgar but fucking you meant a lot to me. lets not forget i have been trying to do it since my 2nd year."

i laugh at how serious he sounds "yeah me too." "you too on fucking each other or 2nd year." "both." he gasp. "so you didn't have a crush on me in your first year." i chuckle "that's not true, you know what i meant. you've always had a little confidence but since when did you get so raunchy?"

"you rubbed off on me," he smirks "literally."

i shake the bed with boisterous laughter. "byeeeee azumane." my laughter is paused with a kiss packed with passion i turn my entire body to hold his face in my hands. i feel him smile into the kiss and that's why we broke the kiss. he just couldn't stop smiling.

and dammit i couldn't either.

"thank you."

"you've been very sensual lately and plus i should be thanking you, you're very patient."

"oh plea-." *SMACK* "awl shit, nishinoya what was that for." he rubs the back of his head. " because your confidence always seems to fluctuate when you have every reason to be consistent."

he just rubs the back of his neck. "insecurites are a real thing."

"tell me about it... but i won't stand for it, your doing great just relax. sweating won't help your case by the way."

"well hi, we meet again and this time formally."

"this time?"

"oh by the way, i meant to tell you this but he loves you. i told you i was going to tell nishi that i did say that right?"

thanks for reading💞.

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