Drunken Desires (Alastor X Salem)

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//*Offers you a bottle of holy water* //

Third p.o.v.

"Salem? I think you've had enough to drink, my dear."
Salem rolled her eyes.
"You're a bit tipsy too, don't judge me."

Her cheeks were dark from the blush that had appeared the moment that the alcohol had really began to kick in.

"I am, but you're getting a bit too... Out of control."

Salem set her glass down and quickly turned, grabbing hold of Alastor's shirt with her right hand and climbing onto his lap.
"What, does seeing me this loose turn you on?"

Her self confidence and defiance had reached its peak, and any fear she had of the deer demon was completely gone.
For the moment.

Alastor chuckled, raising up his hand to touch the side of her face, leaning in close enough that his nose brushed hers.

"Don't get yourself so worked up, my dear. I have no interest in carnal pleasure and naive girls."

"Hmm, she said.
"You probably should have kept me to yourself these past few years. From what I've learned from others... Any sick bastard can be approached."

"Interesting," Alastor said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Salem continued on as if he hadn't spoke.
"It's not that hard to guess what a... Cannibalistic maniac with a history of violence really wants..."

Salem bit down harshly on her tongue, making blood well up in her mouth.

Alastor's eyes darkened at that, and Salem knew she was making progress.
"Sure you don't want a taste?"

Alastor growled.
"I wouldn't advise you to provoke me, Salem."

Salem giggled.
"I hit a nerve, didn't I?" She purred, looking into his eyes with amusement.
Alastor lifted his hand to push her away, but she spoke before he could do so.

"Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere with this?" She purred, her grip on his shirt tightening. Her nails ripped through the thin fabric and began to dig into his skin.

A single drop of blood fell from her mouth and dropped onto Al's lips, which crushed the deer's willpower even more.

"No," he said, but his voice was full of indecision and was practically full on static.

"In that case..." Salem murmured,
"Taste me."

Salem moved to kiss Alastor at the same time he moved towards her, and their lips collided painfully, causing Alastor to growl quietly.

Salem dug her nails into his shoulder as he bit down on her lips. His hands slid down to grip at her waist as she pressed herself against him as tightly as she possibly could.

"Ngh, Salem," he moaned into her mouth. He wasn't used to the stimulation he was feeling, usually having turned to violence for entertainment, not sexual pleasure. This felt different to him than any other time, though. He had a burning desire for Salem that he had never felt for anyone, not even in his mortal life.

He separated from the kiss and then moved his lips down to the base of her neck, and then sank his fangs into her neck almost with the mannerisms of a vampire. He felt extremely hot when he tasted her blood, almost like a subleminal need had been satisfied.

Alastor practically tore Salem's cloak away, leaving her only in the thin black dress she always wore. Despite having seen her in just the dress multiple times, now she seemed all the more appetizing in ways he'd never even considered before.

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