don't come - five

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"s-sorry?" kairi stuttered,still slightly shaking as he looked up at mattia.

he nodded,leaned down and let his lips hover over kairi's for a moment,before speaking.

"i need you."mattia said as he gently ran his warm tongue along kairi's bottom lip. "now." he softly added.

kairi shifted when mattia began pulling his pants off.

"wait!wait,wait."kairi began to beg,even though it went into empty ears as mattia pampered soft kisses along kairi's neck.

mattia grasped kairi's neck in a soft grip,gently pushing him deeper into the bed,and causing a gasp to leave his parted lips.

"what's my name amore?"kairi heard mattia ask,as he ran his tongue over his lips.

"mat-,"he began but was interrupted.

"that's not my name amore,at least not tonight while in this room."mattia said making kairi flush.

"t-then what?"kairi replies innocently,making mattia let go of his neck and kneeling over him as he unbuttoned his black jeans.

"daddy."he stated,placing a finger around each side of his briefs before swiftly pulling them down his long legs,and making the smaller squeak when his hard cock brushed against his bare,and still overly sensitive cock.

"my name is daddy,to you while in here tonight."mattia muttered as he moved upward,grabbing kairi's hands and pinning them above his head.

"say it.."he whispered,leaning down into kairi's neck,and positioning himself directly at the smaller boys slick entrance.


mattia practically growled inside kairi's neck,when kairi whimpered his name and lifted his hips.

that small movement invited mattia to move his hips.

mattia shifted his hips,filling kairi up with his cock.

a slight cry left kairi causing mattia to stop immediately.

small tears welled up in kairi's eyes at the new feeling of being filled.

kairi breathed out heavily through his nose,trying to hold back his tears as he clenched and unclenches around mattia's cock.

"d-daddy!" kairi cried out slightly as mattia gently bit kairi's neck.

mattia grunted,slowly shifting his hips again as kairi's heel ran along the back of mattia's thigh.

letting go of the grip on kairi's wrists,he rested his larger hands on the smaller's waist.

"i've always wondered what it felt like to have you wrapped around me."mattia whispered,slowly dragging his tongue along the side of his throat.

"don't scream."

mattia said before pulling out of the smaller.

just to slam back into him,making kairi squeal in pain and practical pleasure.

"i said don't,"mattia growled as his grip tightened again as his hips thrusted forward."scream."

only the sounds of kairi's pleasurable cries,mattia's grunts,and the two's skin slapping together.

kairi's nails dug into mattia's shoulders as he pounded him.

mattia licked up his neck,then his teeth scraped.

kairi didn't even notice,to busy trying to keep his sounds at bay as he was pounded into.

it was painful,but there was also a pleasure behind the pain,and it made his cock throb with pleasure.

kairi was tight,so he could feel every inch of mattia.

kairi flinched when he felt mattia's tongue against the sensitive skin of his neck once more.

a loud moan left kairi's lips when mattia thrusted his hips forward again.

it only made mattia want to pound into the smaller much harder.


he tried to call,but his rapid pace had his body rocking against the bed as his breath was practically forced from him.

kairi's vision became blurry as mattia's hand gripped his cock again,greedily attaching his lips to the smaller's and drowning out his moans.

the last thing kairi could remember was the warm feeling inside of him,the small kisses placed along his face,and neck as mattia pulled out.

"you did so well amore,so so well."mattia whispered as he went to the bathroom and came back with warm rags to clean kairi up.

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