IC 8

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Jin gave Jungkook a bottle, full of milk. The little's eyes sparkled with excitement and he giggled. Immediately suckling on it as he stared at the others. Hoseok picks the maknae up, lifting him up by he thighs and letting him rest his head on his shoulder. Jungkook slowly fell asleep as the older rocks him.

Jungkook woke up, not in littlespace, but in his own headspace. Looking around, he sat up and yawned, stretching his limbs. He got off of bed and did his morning routine. After doing his routine, he went down and walked to the kitchen, seeing his hyungs.
"Oh, hi Koo" Jin says, thinking that he was still in headspace. Jungkook laughs, shaking his head as he sat down on his seat.

"I'm not in headspace right now, Jin hyung" He said, while Jin chuckles and nodded.
"Also, hyungs?" Jungkook says, earning some hums and 'yes's.
"I need you guys to make rules and punishments for little me" He says, making all of them look at him with confusion.
"Why?" Yoongi asks with a raised brow. Jungkook laughs, shaking his head.

"Because little me could be a little brat sometimes, and also, that's what most caregivers do, they make rules and punishment with the permission of the littles and I give a permission" Jungkook says, smiling. The older males nodded before the started eating.

Jungkook was out with the some friends, the others were at home to make their rules for their little.
"Do you think this is a good punishment?" Jin asks, worried. The others shrugged and continued on.
"Let's just ask Jungkook when he gets back" Jimin says, not even bothering on looking at Jin. This continued on for a few minutes until they finished.

"We just need Jungkook's opinions on this rules, along with the punishments"

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