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Growth is hard,
But growing up isn't bad,
Meeting new things,
Trying to ignore yo own feelings,
Fear, peer,
Baby's face starts to disappear,
And yet no body get to understand,
You are no longer of that kind,
Years months days goes by,
And the mind is always stand by,
The feeling of telling someone good bye
Is always the toughest,
When the love was the highest.

I am scared of growth,
Every second reminds me of the sun setting off,
I am scared not of the wrinkles,
Thou tomorrow is just imaginary,
And what if I don't get to live my life today?,
Every confusion,
And body stimulations,
Who am I going to share with my imaginations?,
No body understands the situation,
I am not ready for dereliction.

Who am I?,
Why am I here?,
Why do I fear?,
Thought the world is sphere!,
Then reality interfered,
I don't wanna be scared,
No no no, not anymore.

hope you enjoyed reading it, Love you Xoxo ❤

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