What if

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what if the grass isn't greener in the other side,

like the elders said,

what if the sky was red,

would you still go to bed?,

what if the life you are living is a dream,

and this is just a game?,

what if the help you to block you,

sent you to stop you?,

what if the road isn't that long to take,

the side you saw is fake?,

what if they loved you,

but what you saw was fake?,

what if Zebra was a lion,

would we call a Zebra of Zion?,

what if God take his gifts,

and you remain daft,

what if you have the supernatural power,

but you keep begging for the strong tower.

what if is not just a question,

it might be your self resolution,

it will never bring a conclusion,

if you wont make a move.

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