( Darth Vader's voice) Chapter 6

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(Darth Vader's voice) Victoria's P.O.V

After we discovered Julia in the closet Nash had to go back to do the show and they had some important news to tell the whole school. So me and Briana stayed and helped Julia get untied and took the duck tape off her mouth. We calmed her down and told her we had to get back to the auditorium for a big anouncement. After we headed back to the auditorium we took our seats and listened. The boys did some funny things and everyone was laughing, including the teachers.

"Ok ok. Quiet down now. Quiet down. We have some big news to tell you all and we need it to be QUIET..." Taylor Caniff said as everything got quiet at the end of his statement.

"Thank you." he said.

"Now as you all know our friends Jack and Jack are singers. Well they are making a music video and need some dancers for the video. Now there will be auditions tomorrow." Mahogany said.

"Anyone is allowed to try out. Also, there will be a main girl for both of the Jacks' to dance with. So keep that in mind ladies." Nash said looking around the room.

Julia immediately looked at me then Briana and said,

"We have to audition."

"You guys can audition. But leave me out of this." I said looking at Briana and Julia.

"Why don't you audition with us. C'mon it'll be funnn." Briana said pulling my arm.

"You guys know how strict my mom is. If she finds out that i'm not practicing or studying, she'll completely flip." I said getting up to leave. I felt Briana's hand still on my arm and i looked at her. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and saw it was my mom.

"Speaking of my mom she's calling me. I have to go take this," I looked at Briana and said,"can you please let go of my arm? I don't feel like explaining to my mom why a bunch of people are screaming." she let go of my arm and i walked out of the auditorium.

"Hey mom." i said answering my phone.

"Hey sweety? Can I ask you something?"

"Um sure. Whatcha need momma."

"You remember your ex-boyfriend Ryan right?"Just hearing his name makes me cringe.

"Yea i remember him. As much as i would like to not remember him i do. Why?"

"Ummmmmm..... Well i just got a call from your dad and he said that Ryan escaped from jail."

Those four words. Those four damn words scare me more than anything.

Music, Dance, and Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now