( Darth Vader's voice) Chapter 10

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Victoria's P.O.V


We flipped back but when it came to landing it everything went wrong.

Julia's P.O.V

Me and Victoria landed not so good. In fact we didn't even touch our feet to the ground. After we hit the ground all i could hear was the sound of everyone yelling and screaming at each other to call the infirmary. I looked over at Victoria and Mr. Lowe was at her side making sure she was okay and Mrs. Daniels was at my side making sure i was okay. But all i could think about is what's going to happen to me and Victoria if we're seriously hurt.

Victoria's P.O.V

While Mr. Lowe was asking me to move I was focused on if Julia was okay but I couldn't see her because Mrs. Daniels was blocking the way. It was hard to breathe and i couldn't take it I had to make sure Julia was okay.

" Julia.." It barely came out a whisper.

"Julia..." I kept repeating it until finally someone got Julia for me and she replied.

"Yea Vic I'm right here. I'm fine. Are you okay?" Julia replied back to me as the nurses came in to get us so we could go to the infirmary. They asked us if we could get up. Julia got some help from Mrs. Daniels but I started to stand but a bad pain shot through my leg and I screamed out in pain as I sat back down. I grabbed onto my leg and felt tears brim my eyes.

" I can't stand, it hurts to much." I said fighting back tears. One of the nurses came over to me and examined my leg. She looked at me then to Mr. Lowe.

" I need someone to carry her to the infirmary. She can't stand it'll only make the pain worse." The nurse said looking at me.

" I'll take her." I saw Nash raise his hand as he spoke. The nurse nodded and then Nash came over and slid one hand under my knees and one behind my back. He lifted me up and began to walk behind the nurses. As we were getting close to the infirmary I felt another pain go through my leg and I buried my face into Nash's chest and balled his shirt into my fists.

" Sorry." Nash said as I began to let go of his shirt. And I looked up at him I saw sadness in his beautiful sky blue eyes.

" What do you have to be sorry for? You didn't do anything." I said and he looked down at me into my eyes and said,

" I'm sorry that you fell and got hurt." I gave him a confused look and he looked back up.

" It's not your fault that I fell and got hurt. It's not like you could have stopped me from getting hurt." I replied back as he finally laid me onto the infirmary bed.

"I know but still I hate seeing people get hurt especially when I like them a lot." He said, saying that last part softly. Even though he said it softly I could still hear it and started blushing. I smiled a little to myself and I guess he realized I heard him and started blushing a lot.

" Hey," I said grabbing his hand, " I like you too, a lot." I continued as a nurse walked in to examine my injuries. I let go of his hand as the nurse started to look at my leg and when she went to bend my knee I balled my hands into fists and let out a small scream. She let go of my leg and began to write something down on the paper.

" Well Ms. Grove it seems that you have broken your right leg." she told me as she started to get out the gauze to wrap around my leg. I stared at her in shock and I started to think about what i was going to tell my Mom.


Hey guys sorry it's been a while. Hope you like the update. I'm not gonna write for a few days cause i'm busy getting ready for marching band next month. Love you guys so much you're amazing for reading my book!!!~ Victoria

ALSO! Go check out my cousins book she's a pretty good writer it's called
Alone(a 5sos fanfict)


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