Prologue: 2

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‘What’s that noise?’

Beep Beep…

‘Why are you doing that?’

Beep Beep Beep…

‘Ok, now that’s starting to get bothersome,’

My eyes snap open, only to be sealed again due to the blinding lights overhead. Slowly I open one eye and let it adjust to the brightness then open the other. I stared at the plain blank white ceiling before me. Then I started to panic, this was NOT my room’s ceiling. I shifted my head to get a better aware of my surroundings, maybe even form a quick plan of escape if this is what I think it is.

I inspected the room I was in. There were cream colored curtains, but no windows, and there was a machine hooked up to my right arm. The whole room was a solid white. It seems by the looks of it that I’m in a hospital, which means that I’m not being taken hostage. So I relax a bit only to have a question linger my mind.

‘But why am I in a hospital?’

A noise interrupted my thoughts. The door clicked closed. Walking in was a nurse. She wore the usual nurse attire with the knee length white dress and the white cap with a Red Cross sign. Her hair was in a tight bun, she had a very pretty face from what I can see. That face was looking down at the clipboard before her. She jotted some things down and turned her gazed to me.
Her eyes widened at me, and then she ran out of the room screaming:


Suddenly a doctor came in with the same nurse. They talked, but all the while took some stares at me. The doctor came over to me and sat down in a chair next to my bed. He had a white coat over his casual clothes, slicked back brown hair, and gray eyes. He looked at me then spoke.

“Hello Miss, my name is Doctor Aron, now I have to ask you some questions,” He looked at me while I looked his name tag, it said ‘Aron Crutchfield’.  I nodded my head and we began.

“Miss, do you remember what your name is?” He sat up forward in his seat at me. My brain scurried for an answer. Finally I had found it.

“Emelia Tharts, my name is Emelia Tharts,” He smiled.

“Now Emelia, do you remember what caused you to be in this hospital? He asked.  I knew that he already had the answer, but I seemed to not remember. Then the memories came flooding back. The dinner, waking up to a loud crash, and the man with the gun. But what’s even worse is that my mind is replaying the memory.

~~~Memory Lane~~~

I instantly sat up in bed; there was a sound, but not just any ordinary sound. A gun shot. I sprinted towards to my little brother’s room. Conner has to be safe, he just had to be. I opened the door to find him tucked away lightly snoring in his blue bed. I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding in.

I slowly walked out the door, but then I heard it again. The gun shot, and then a scream of horror followed it shorty. Something is not right, something is not right indeed. To make sure that my brother was safe, I fastened the window’s padlock tightly along with the curtains closed and also locked the door behind me. No matter what happens, he needs to be safe at all cost. He’s too young, only 8 years of age. He still has his life ahead of him. I on the other hand well, 16 is a good age too, but he deserves better than me.

I went to my room and locked my door shut. Breaking glass tingled in my ears, then another blood curdling scream, but closer. Extremely close, the scream came from inside our home. Then a though came to me…Mother. She’s still reading her book downstairs, all alone in the living room. I shot out of my room faster than a racing car at top speed.

Once down the stairs I went to the kitchen first, I’ll need a weapon if I’m going after the person with a gun. Ripping open the knife drawer I yield the biggest knife there was. 8 inch steel knife, blade slightly rigged, best for cutting meat. Another gunshot lingered in my ears; quickly scrambled I went to the living room.

The sight before me was too overwhelming. There was a man in all black holding a gun pointed at my mother’s chest and she was clutching a part of her night gown. Then crimson colored liquid seeped through showing that she was the one who was shot. I gasped and put a hand to mouth. The man turned around and pointed the gun at me. He pulled the trigger and everything went in slow motion. The bullet flying towards me, I stand there too much in shock to do anything. Then something went through my veins, not sadness, no-no, it was paroxysm. I was furious at the man who shot my mother.

Then I remembered that I had the knife. I flung it as hard as I could at the man, but he dodged it. Then the worst pain I had ever experienced went through my body as I screamed in torment. Clutching my lower left side I looked at my hand. It was covered red with blood.

I looked at the man and he shot again, only this time at my chest. But I was too quick for him; I dodged the bullet, only to have it go in my left arm. More screams as I fell down. I knew the only way for the man to leave would be for him to comprehend that I was dead, and for my brother not to make a single peep or sound.

I slowly closed my eyes and slowed my breath, not wanting use any more oxygen. The man smirked as while walking over to me. He roughly kicked at my body and leaned down. I tensed up; if he was too close then he would notice that I was still alive. He went down on one knee.

“Good, all the Tharts are dead, Now I all I have to do is to find and take the pocket watch,” His voice had a thick British accent when he spoke. Even though we arn't in England. 

‘This man shot my mother just so he could get a pocket watch?’ I think, but this only fueled my anger.

He stood up and walked out of our house. When he left I got up only to have pain washed over me. I leaned over the silhouette of my mother.

“Mother, Mother,” I call and shake her slightly. She opens her eyes and lets out a sigh of relief, so do I.

“Emelia my sweet,” She smiled at me and took my hand. “There’ something you have to know before I go,” Tears pricked t my eyes.
‘She’s not going to-NO! She can’t right, she can’t. Who’s going to take care of Conner and I?’

“Emelia listen carefully to me -Breath- I want you to know that I love you and Conner, but it’s almost time for me, Just remember that you must never trust the man with gray eyes with a scar on his cheek, and-and you will find a box in my closet, There you will start your mission-” Her eyes closed and her skin felt cold.

“Mother,” I shook her. “MOTHER!!! Don’t leave me, MOTHER please don’t leave me alone, don’t leave me and Conner all alone,” the tears streaked down my cheeks as I sobbed.

I beat the floor out of anger as if it could bring her back. In my heart I knew she was dead and never coming back, but my mind thought otherwise as I beat the floor harder and harder. I wept over my mother’s body staining her white nightgown that already had blood on it.

“Mother, I will avenge you and I will take revenge on the man who killed you,” I whisper through my mournful crying. Then when I finally regained my sanity I stood up and looked at my mother’s body. Then I started to see black splotches. Then I fell down and lay next to her, I had forgotten about the bullets in my body. My blood flooded out of me as I smiled. Maybe I will be with mother, and if I am at least Conner’s still safe.

“As long as he is still safe,” I whisper and black out. But right before I did I heard the doors being busted down and finally scream as I blacked out.


“Y-Yes, there was a man, he-he had a gun and shot me and my-my mother, she died…” I manage to say, but my minds wonders to other things, like is Conner ok? Did he make it? Or did the man kill him too?

“Doctor, I have a brother. Is he alive, is he okay?” I look at him with tears in my eyes. He simply got up and walked over to the door. But before he left he turned to me.

“Yes Conner is still safe, but Miss Emelia I suggest that you should get some rest before you go to see him,” He smiled and closed the door behind him. I sighed in relief as I knew that Conner was alive and well. I closed my eyes and waited for darkness to take me.

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