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                                It was a huge room. There was a giant queen sized bed in the middle of the room with a white bed sheet, matching pillowcases and a white canopy. There was a bedside table with a single red rose in a vase on the table. Doors at the head of the bed went out into the balcony. There was a white dresser at the foot of the bed.

You stepped inside the room with Mamoru behind you, leaning against the door frame.

"This is your room. Mine is directly across the hall. Those double doors lead to a bathroom. Tomorrow you will be enrolled into school as my daughter and will be starting the day after. We'll be getting you appropriate clothing for winter. Also, you are not to tell others where you are staying," he explained.

"But why?" You asked turning back towards Mamoru.

"Because the master forbids it. Also, starting tomorrow, you will be trained in the way of an assassin. Meaning you will get up at 5, get ready for school, go to school, come home, do your homework, and start training," he turned to leave.

"Ok!" You said as he shut the door. Once he shut the door, you kicked of your shoes and jumped into the queen sized bed. You let out a blissful sigh as you felt the silky material beneath your fingers.

There was a knock at your door. You scrambled off the bed and opened the door. Mamoru was there, dressed in regular clothing. He had medium length ebony hair, with blue eyes.

"Here," he handed you a shirt. Obviously too long for you.

You smiled at him. "Thank you!"

And he was gone. You closed the door. Deciding to take a bath, you ran your own bath water.  The bathtub was big enough for you to swim in.

When you finished bathing, you put on the shirt that was given to you. It looked like a dress since you were so small.

You walked back into your bedroom to find a plate of cookies and a glass of hot chocolate on the end table. Your face broke into a grin as you devoured the cookies and slowly sipped the hot chocolate.

The hot chocolate seemed to do the trick. You felt yourself drifting into a deep sleep.

The next morning you were awoken by Mamoru. The sun was just peaking over the horizon.

"Come. You must eat your breakfast. The others are down there as well," he helped you out of bed. You rubbed your tired eyes and let out a yawn.

"Ok," you tiredly replied. You followed Mamoru down stairs and into the dining room where several others were waiting. They were dressed in suits. The master, Mike Shadow was what everyone called him, sat at the head of the table.

You ate your breakfast in silence. Many of the other men whispered among themselves and would occasionally look in your direction.

Mamoru waited until you were finished. "You ready?"

"Ya," the two of you walked from the dining hall. You felt as if someone was watching you, like a hawk watching its prey. You turned and saw several pair of eyes turn away.

You turned and looked forward.

"We will go get you new clothing first. Then we will register you for school. When we finish that, we will come back and you will start your first lesson," Mamoru explained. You grabbed his hand and nodded.

"Ok!" You grinned at him. He said not another word as the two of you exited your Asylum.

(a/n: no not like an insane Asylum)

By the time you and Mamoru arrived at the clothing store, the woman had just flipped the 'closed' sign to 'open'.  Mamoru walked in and approached the woman.

"Excuse me. Would you help my daughter find clothing? I'm afraid I don't have good taste in clothes. My wife always did the cloth shopping. However she is no longer with us," he squeezed out a small tear from his brown eyes.

"Oh sure. I'd be happy to help such a beautiful young lady. I'm very sorry for your loss. Lets go find you some clothes!" The woman gently took your hand.

"Pick out as many as you like," he called. You nodded your head and the shopping began.

An hour later Mamoru was walking out of the store with 8 bags of clothes. You happily skipped in front of him. All the way home.

You held the door opened for him as he walked inside the mansion. He looked miserable.

"Out shopping for clothes Mamoru?" A fellow assassin smirked as he leaned against a door frame.

Mamoru ignores him as he walked to your room where he sat the bags on the bed. You had dressed in a black T-shirt with a black and red tutu.

"Now lets get going to registration," and once again the two of you were walking out of the gloomy, eerie, mansion.


You and Mamoru were sitting in the dojo. "Are you ready?" You nodded and waited.

"Now you're too young to train with a real sword and a wooden one. So we will go over the rules," his tone suddenly became serious. You were smart for a 5 year old and knew when something was serious or not.

"Rule 1: Don't stick around after an assassination. You do not want to be caught.

Rule 2: Don't let your target escape once he catches sight of you.

Rule 3: Stay hidden until you find a perfect opportunity. Do not allow the target to see before hand.

Rule 4: Act quickly.

Rule 5: one strike is all you should need. There are exceptions to this rule though.

Rule 6: Don't get to attached. Your target may be that person.

And Rule 7: Romance is absolutely forbidden!" He glanced down at you to see you listening intently. Being at the age you were, you weren't really interested in romance and such.

"Now we will go over these once a week. I don't expect you to memorize this at your age, but do try your best. Ok?" He stood in front of you with crossed arms.

"Ok!" You cheered.

You could have left that day. You could have chosen a different path. But you didn't.

The years passed on. You took the rules to heart. You did make friends but you didn't get to close. You never knew if one of them could be your next target. To you they were more like acquaintances. They had no idea who you really were. And hoped they never discovered it either.

Heart Of A Blade ~Modern Itachi Uchiha love Story~Where stories live. Discover now