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~11 years later~


You: 16

Itachi: 17

 11 years passed by quickly. You had become a excellent assassin. When you were out stalking tour prey, it was as if you became a totally different person. Happy go lucky to deadly and dangerous. In fact you were convinced some of the others were terrified of you.

 You sat in the classroom, waiting for school to begin. Everyone was just now beginning to enter the room. In no time, it was filled with students.

 "Hey (y/n) how was your weekend?" One of your classmates asked.

 "It was relaxing," you smiled at the blonde haired girl.

The teacher walked in just as the bell rang. Students rushed to their seats.

 "Class. We have a new student," she announced. Murmurs erupted from the others. Honestly, you couldn't care less about. But you pretended as if you were excited.

 "Come on in," a handsome young man walked in the class room. He had long raven hair, tied in a low ponytail and kind and gentle onyx eyes. You stared at him with a blank face.

 "Introduce yourself and tell us about yourself as well," the teacher stepped aside.

 "My name is Itachi Uchiha. I have a younger brother named Sasuke. My father is head of the FBI," his onyx eyes scanned the faces of his classmate.

 One guy raised his hand. "Is your father here to investigate the mysterious murders?"

 "Yes he is," Itachi answered.

 "Will you be able to catch the killer?" Another girl asked.

 "Without a doubt," he smiled. You narrowed your eyes slightly. He sure seemed confident.

 "What makes you think your father can catch this guy?" You spoke from the back of the class. His onyx eyes clashed with your (e/c) ones.

 "My father is the best of the best. There has not been one criminal he hasn't arrested," you gave him a smile.

 "Well I wish you good luck and I,for one, hope this criminal is caught,"

 "Criminals," he corrected.


 "There's more than one. Most likely working together. Considering this has been going on for the last 2 decades," he said. On the outside you were calm but on the inside you were panicking. What would happen is he did manage to capture you or the others? What would they do. You found yourself imagining the worst possible punishment. 

You slammed your hands on the desk and standing, catching the teachers and other students attention. “May I go to the restroom?” 

She gave you a funny look but nodded her head. “Oh and Itachi you will be sitting beside (l/n).” she said as you rushed from the room and to a nearby bathroom. You splashed cold water on your face, hoping it would help calm you down. You returned to the classroom much more calmer than earlier. Silently, you glided through the aisle and sat down.

 You glanced at the new boy, Itachi, before looking out the window. When the bell rang you were out of the door before anyone could stand.

 “H-Hey! Wait!” he called. you ignored him and quickly walked down the hallway.

 “Ah so new boy is interested in (y/n)?” a voice chuckled from beside him. Itachi looked over to see a boy with long blond hair and blue eyes.  “I’d give up if I were you. She rejects every guy anyway. Ya.”

Heart Of A Blade ~Modern Itachi Uchiha love Story~Where stories live. Discover now