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After school you patiently waited for the arrival of Itachi Uchiha. As you waited, you turned you phone on. You texted Mamuro telling him you were going to a friends house to get help with homework.

"Sorry i'm late!" Itachi said when he finally arrived.

"It's ok." you smiled.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Ready when you are," the two of you began your walk to his house.

"I hope you don't mind but I have to pick up my little brother," he said turning on a street that led to the elementary school.

"Not at all," you said. "He has a little brother?!" 

You and Itachi made your way to the classroom that his little brother was in. When he entered the room, several kids where sitting down and playing with toys and such.

"Big brother!" a tiny figure launched itself into Itachi's arms.

"Hey Sasuke! Ready to go home?" You stared at the little boy before you.

"Big brother who's that?" Sasuke asked pointing at you.

"A friend. She's coming home with us so I can help her with homework!" he ruffled Sasukes hair.

He pouted. "But you said you would play with me!"

Itachi smiled and poked his forehead. "Sorry Sasuke, maybe next time."

Sasuke rubbed his forehead.

"Let's go," he said.

"Big brother will you give me a piggy back ride?" Sasuke asked looking at his older brother with irresistible puppy dog eyes. Itachi glanced at you.

"Why not have (y/n) give you one?" Itachi suggested. Sasuke seemed to be pleased with this and turned to you with the same look. 

"F-Fine.." you sighed and bent down and allowed the boy to climb on your back. "I can't say no to that face!

Itachi carried your school bag.

It didn't take too long to arrive at his house. 

"I'm home!" Itachi called through the house.

"Did you pick up Sasuke?" a female voice called back. You assumed it was his mother.

"Yes mother," he replied. He motioned for you to follow him. Sasuke slid off your back and took your hand, pulling you towards where the voice had come from.

"How was sch--who's this?" the woman asked when she looked at you. "Is this your girlfriend Itachi?"

"N-no!" Itachi blushed. You blinked.

"I'm (y/n). Itachi offered to help me with some of my homework that I've been struggling with," you said and gave the woman a smile.

"I'm Mikoto Uchiha! It's nice to meet you!" she returned your smile. Though her smile wasn't really a fake one. "Fugaku will be home shortly. Lately he's been stressed about the new case he's been working on."

"Which one?" Itachi asked.

"The one about the mysterious killings. Last night a young man came in saying he had witnessed a murder but the murderer got away. He said that he could not identify if the murderer was male or female," she explained.

"So this is the wife of the chief of the police task..." you thought bitterly. 

"I see..." Itachi sighed and rubbed his head.

"Looks like you'll be helping out on this one Itachi," Mikoto announced.

"Probably. Well come on let's go get some work done!" Itachi grabbed your wrist and dragged you off.

"I'll bring in snacks in a little bit!" You heard Mikoto say.

You stared at the hand that was wrapped around your wrist. "His hand is warm..."

Itachi took you to his room. The two of you sat at the table that was in the middle of the room.

Just then, your phone rang. You dug it out of your pocket and answered it.


"How goes my favorite person in the entire world?" the voice of Hyosuke, a fellow assassin, said. Your eye twitched.

"What do you want?" you hissed.

"Why do you ALWAYS assume I want something?" you could hear him pout.

"Hyosuke..." you hissed. You were quite aware of Itachi's eyes watching you.

"Whats your situation?" he whispered.

"White." you said. Assassins had secret messages. They used colors as to not attract unwanted attention. White was used when you were with someone that was not an assassin. Purple was used for when teenagers decided to try and check out the mansion. Silver was used when one was in need of help.

"I see. Well after you're done doing whatever it is you're doing, I need you to go to the store and grab me the usual," Hyosuke said. You knew he didn't actually mean the grocery store. Throughout town there were hidden ninja stores. They sold all kinds of things. Shurikan, Kunais, smoke bombs, poison needles, and so on.

"Yes sir!" You ended the call.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Itachi asked.

"No. I don't have a boyfriend." you smiled.

"Oh. I see..." Mikoto knocked on the door. She brought in a plate of cookies and milk. The two of you thanked her and got to work.

~Time Skip~

Half way through the stack of papers, there was another knock on the door.

"Come in," Itachi looked up and in walked his father.

"Evening father. How was work?" Itachi smiled at his father. You looked up at him as well.

"I would like you and your friend to come downstairs for a moment," With that said he turned and walked back downstairs.

You and Itachi looked at each other before standing and also making your way down stairs.

"Is something wrong father?" Itachi asked when he approached him.

"Itachi sit. Girl stand right there," Itachi did as he was told and you stood in front of Fugaku.

"My name's (y/n)..." you mumbled.

"Dear is this necessary?" Mikoto asked as she entered the room.

"Yes. Now I will ask you a series of questions. If I suspect you one bit, i'm taking you in.." Fugaku stared at you with hard eyes.

"Yes sir."

"First question. Have you ever killed anyone?"

"No," "Yes.."

"Have you ever thought of killing someone?"

"Does wanting to murder a friend for being dumb count?"


"Then no." It was true. You never thought of wanting to kill someone. You just did as you were told.

"How old are you?"


"Who are your parents?" you tensed at this.



"I don't know my real parents. I was taken in by the man I live with now. My adoptive father."

"What do you plan to do in the future?"

"Itachi and Fugaku are both in the task force...somehow I need to infiltrate and get see how far they get..."

Fugaku waited patiently for an answer.

"I would actually like to join the task force!" you finally said.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well it's something I've always been interested in...I've been told i'm good at tracking things down." you explained.

"I see. Come back tomorrow. We'll see how well your tracking and observation skills are."

"Yes sir!"

"Father..." Itachi groaned.

"Itachi I should really get going. my father is probably expecting me home for dinner," you gave him a smile. He nodded and rushed up stairs.

"You don't seem like the other girls he brings home.."Fugaku said once he was gone.

"What do you mean?" you asked.

"I mean, the girls Itachi brings home insist on needing help yet all the try to do is try to make a move on my son." he explained. Itachi listened to the conversation.

"Oh. I'm not really interested in a relationship. I will admit your son is very handsome. All I want is friendship, nothing more." you reassured the man. Being an assassin you were good, too good, at lying. You also weren't allowed in a relationship. The punishment was death.

Itachi entered the room with your bag in his hand."Here you go!"

"Thank you!"

Itachi bit his lip. "U-um..are we...friends?"

"...I don't see why not!" you replied.

He seemed relieved to hear that. "See you tomorrow!"


"Come back anytime!" Mikoto said.

You nodded and stepped off the porch.

Step 1: Complete...

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