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 It turns out you master already knew about what happened. So you nervously walked to his office. Your other fellow assassins were snickering at you as you went. Maybe he would cut you some slack since it was your first screw up? You took a deep breath and knocked on his door. You stood outside the giant brown door.

"Enter," you heard. You opened the door and poked your head inside. There he was, sitting at his desk, smoking a pipe.

"(Y/n) here..." you stiffly sat down in front of his desk and waited for the man to say something.

"So you were seen killing?" he asked glancing up at you. 

You nodded your head.

"And the man chased after you?"

You nodded again.

"What should your punishment be? Hmm? Should I punish you? This IS your first screw up after all," he stood up and circled around your chair. You jumped when he put his hand on your shoulder. "I'll let it slide just this once since you cleverly got away without being seen. Do NOT let it happen again."

"Yes sir!" 

"Leave before I change my mind!" you jumped out of your chair and quickly walked from the room. You threw the door open and, accidently, slammed it shut. 

"Phew," you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.

"So i'm assuming he let it slid?" a voice from beside you made you jump. It was your adoptive father Mamoru. You put a hand to your heart.

"Don't scare me like that!" you grumbled. 

Mamoru chuckled and ruffled your hair.

"(y/n) come back in here!" you sucked in a breath and walked back into the room.

"What is it master?" you asked.

"I have a new mission for you..." he said.


"Yes. This is going to be a very...tricky...one." he said.


"A few years back, you heard of the death of Shisui Uchiha, correct?" you nodded. "Well it took one of our men more than 4 years to get close enough to assassinate him.."

"4 years!" you blinked.

"Yes. The target you are assigned to is....Itachi Uchiha." He said. "Itachi is more skilled than Shisui was so be careful. He's also part of the police task force. So be extra extra careful. Dismissed!" 

You left the room with a heavy heart. You didn't harbor no feelings for the Uchiha, but he was a classmate of yours. You never imagined having to kill a classmate.

"Tch," you stuffed your hands in your pockets and went to your room. Tomorrow would begin your mission. You sat at a desk in the corner of your room.

"Let's see.... first things first..I have to befriend him before I try to make a move...after that I must gain his absolute trust. Then we go from being acquaintances to friends, to best friends...So tomorrow I shall break the ice that stands between the two of us," you wrote all this down as a reminder. Then you changed into your pj's and went to bed.

~The next morning~

"Time to put my plan into action!" you thought as you walked to school. 

It was a short walk, well for you anyway. You always met your 'friends' at the end of the block. They always complained about the walk to school.

"It's not THAT bad," you smiled.

"Says you! You're like an athlete!" one of the girls, momo, pointed out. It was kinda true. You were always running around, climbing houses, sneaking inside windows, without tripping alarms, and killing people.

"(Y/n) look!" another girl named Kairi pointed. You looked to see who, or what, she was pointing too.

"That's him..." you thought, "That's my target. Itachi Uchiha..."

"Isn't he gorgeous?" Momo let out a dreamy sigh.

"Ya." Kairi agreed.

They purposely waited until he was in earshot. The three of you walked ahead of him, not by much.

"So (y/n) what do you think of Itachi?" Momo asked.

"Me?" you blinked at her and pointed at yourself.

"Who else?"

You were clearly aware of Itachi listening to your conversation but pretended that you didn't know.

"Hmm well I will admit that Itachi is attractive but i'm not interested in someone I don't really know. I'd be satisfied just being good friends with him," you told the girls. Their faces fell.

"Is there ANYONE you like?" Kairi asked.

"Hmmm...nope!" you giggled.

"Well your a junior now! You have to think of your future! What are you going to do in the future?" Momo asked she stopped, causing the three of you to stop.

"Kill people..." you thought. "Ummmm...."

"Excuse me," Itachi smiled. You looked up at him and stepped aside. "Oh! I forgot. Miss (y/n) , I heard you were having trouble in a couple classes."

"Yes I am. Algebra and science." 

"If you want,  I could help you out. I wouldn't mind since we a have the same class together," he offered with a gentle smile.

"R-really!?" you were shocked to hear this. Honestly you expected him to be a jerk considering how popular he was. 

"Yeah! We can talk more during second hour. Gotta go!" he waved and began walking again.

"Study date with Itachi," Kairi snickered.
You sighed.

"Seriously!! Ok let me ask you this! Who do you plan to marry?" Momo asked getting serious again.

"Marry...." you mumbled. You were taught the ways of an assassin. You were not a loud to be in a relationship and marriage was not an option.

"I give up!" Momo threw her hands in the air.

"H-hey im sorry. I haven't had time to think about these things!" you let out a nervous giggle. Kairi grabbed your hand and pulled you along.

"Come on or we're going to be late!"


Your second hour was basically a free hour. True to his word, Itachi helped you with your science. All hour you were getting dirty looks from the other girls around, but you ignored them, not feeling intimidated by their glares. Not one bit. Hell Mamoru's glare was 10 times worse. The master's glare sent shivers running up and down your spine. Just thinking about it made you freeze.

"Miss (y/n)? Are you ok?" you felt a hand on your shoulder and you jumped.

"S-sorry!" you shook your head to clear your thoughts and focused back on your work.

"Is that all?" he asked. You sighed and pulled a stack of papers from your bag.

"No..." you grumbled and glared a the paper.

"U-umm well. We won't have time to finish ALL of this plus Algebra so how about you come over to my place, or I come to yours," he suggested. You tensed.

"Y-your place! My father don't really like it when I bring guys home. He thinks i'll be irresponsible and get pregnant," you lied smoothly.

"Ok..." he tore a piece of paper off of one your homework sheets and scribbled down his number and address. "Meet me out front after school!"

Then the bell rang.

"Ok!" you looked at the piece of paper a felt a smile tug at the corner of your lips.

Heart Of A Blade ~Modern Itachi Uchiha love Story~Where stories live. Discover now