03 | brats

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"If you don't like the way I talk then why am I on your mind?"
- Dua Lipa

11 July 2018


A few days passed since I exposed Isaac Miller and I still haven't gotten over my pride.As concerning my own life,my mom kicked me out yesterday because she was done with my shitty behavior and my constant arguments.
Fortunately,Kyle let me crash in his house and barge on his comfy couch.

The previous day

"Oh,so you're back home?" She wasn't wrong.I had been avoiding her at all
cost since the last time we argued.

"You're not blind," I scoffed,filling my glass with water.I just got back from
the gym and my mother was already
pissing me off.

"You're just an ungrateful brat!" she snarled,throwing the plate she had between her hands on the wall.

"I am,okay?Now,let me be," I groaned,
making my way towards the bathroom to shower but I was soon stopped by my mom pulling me by the arm to the living room.

"Sit down!" she pointed to the couch and I rolled my eyes in an annoyance.

"Are you going to give me a TED talk or what?" I laughed.I wasn't the best daughter nor was my mother the best parent the.

"Can you just shut up!" she shouted.
Neighbourhood,open your ears widely!

"No mother.I cannot!" I retorted.

"Get out of my face before I slap you."
She growled.

"You tell me to stay then leave... but my pleasure.I'm heading out," I mumbled,opening the front door.Now
I stinked of sweat and had to get out for a walk so I could clear my fucking mind.

"Take your things and go,Riley Hills.
I don't want you in this house until you have a proper attitude." Really?
I angrily walked to my room,threw
some clothes and some sneakers in my suitcase and threw it in my car boot.

"Bye mother.Don't expect to see me soon.Your favorite child,Dylan will be very useful... Hopefully or not."

I furiously drove to Kyle's house.I was so fucking disappointed but I didn't cry.I DIDN'T FUCKING CRY because it was not worth it.When I was younger,I'd always cry whenever my parents would fight but now,I'm immune to it.

The Present...

That's how I got myself in deep shit and ended at Ky's.

"Do you want to order dinner or should I just improvise something?"
Ky asked while I was busy munching my chips and watching Money Heist on Netflix.

"Whatever you want," I muttered.
I hadn't been on my best feels since yesterday.I went to school and avoided everyone except Ky.Mia and
Jazzy did not even notice,as per usual.

Why do I even bother calling them my best friends?

"Ry...Go take a shower and get some rest.You can't stay like this forever,"
Ky replied pulling me into his embrace.

"I don't know how to feel Ky," I admitted.

"It'll be fine Ry.You're one of the strongest person I've ever met in my life..." he reassured me but I was still not convinced that shit would get better.

We were soon disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Let me go get that." Ky left me sitting on the couch alone.I'm fucking
lonely in my brain right now.Five minutes passed by and Ky was still not back.I decided to go check up on him and saw the one and only Isaac Miller
standing by the front door.

How could I forget that he was Kyle's wonderful neighbor?

"What the fuck are you doing here, Miller?" I scoffed.I fucking hated this guy.

"I'm here to apologize," he mumbled.

"You're forgiven.Now bye!"

"Wait... Won't you guys even let me in?" he questioned and I shook my head 'no'.

"Who would have thought that you two are a couple?" Isaac laughed.

"Fuck you Miller.We are not a couple.
Even if we were one,you'd be the last to know," Ky fired back and I tried muffling my laugh.

That's my best-friend.

"Okay... Can I take a quick piss... My plumber is late and I'm in need of a toilet!" Isaac hissed.Very believable, Isaac.

"You can piss somewhere else," I gritted but he insisted and Ky let him in.While waiting for him,I aided Ky in preparing the chicken curry.My phone buzzed on the kitchen counter,and picked it up. They were messages from Dylan.

LanDy Hills
When will you be back,LeyRi?

I freaking miss you,bruh.

Mom is being bizarre but I don't really care.I just want to see you!

Text me when you get my messages.

Fucking Riley
Got it,D.

I'll come pick you up at school when I'm free or something?We can go grab food?

LanDy Hills
Sounds great.Love ya twinnie.

I smiled at her message."I'm back," I turned around to find a smirking Isaac, "thanks for the help." His smirk was giving me weird vibes. I should definitely go inspect the bathroom as soon as he leaves the house.

After I heard the door closing,I headed straight to the bathroom and searched for a possible 'prank'. Nothing different.

Wait,I should definitely check the shampoo bottle!

I smirked in victory when I saw the unfamiliar blue liquid in my shampoo container.I've read too much books on Wattpad but hey...it helped!

You want to play it old,Miller?
You'll still not win.I'm gonna blow that stupid mind of yours.



Task completed.

I breathed in satisfaction as soon as I reached home.It wasn't that difficult to convince them at all.Who would have thought that Riley Hills could be so dumb to let a half-stranger enter her house or Kyle's?Same shit.

"Don't you think that she'll kill you?"
Blake asked, taking a gulpe of water from his glass.

"No...I chose a light blue because it would fit her...I mean,every hair colour would fit her," I huffed. She was too damn perfect to be true and that annoyed me.

"Someone's in love," my cousin Garett commented,earning a punch on the rib from me.

"He's not wrong here mate," Blake chuckled.

They might be right.They might be wrong.Love aside,prank on top.

I jotted down some ideas in my special 'pranking' notebook.I've always liked pranking people and I've won every single battle.

But Riley Hills was a tough opponent.

She was different.She wasn't scared of me or fell in love with me instantly for my looks or whatever.


Get that girl out of your mind,Isaac!

She was pretty but you couldn't fall for your target!Why did she have to be so stunning?

I couldn't even recognize myself.I promised to ruin her and look at the simp I was turning into.

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