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"Won't you let me poison your heart?"
- Vaults

12 July 2018


The more I was sitting idle in the cafeteria,the more I was getting impatient.Where the fuck was Riley Hills? She should have been here by now!Even her friends were here, eating like pigs.

Of course pigs eat like pigs.

Stupid me.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and there was no specific ID of who was actually texting me.It was at the same time thrilling and creepy.

Impatient much,mon cher Isaac?

Was that Riley?Definitely her.I quickly saved her number and mid-way, another message popped up.

Blue hair or blonde hair?


Meet me in the park.Now.

I usually hate when others try to boss me around but as I might have said,
Riley was special.I finally reached the park which fortunately wasn't far away from the cafeteria.

I searched around for the blue hair but nothing in sight.I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and turned around,to find Riley... with platinum grey hair?

The fuck?She ain't got blue hair?

The plat suits her,no doubt.

She looked badass and fiery-the perfect combo.Her new hair suited her style - her black signature style.

"Isaac Miller,next time,be a little more expertised...but thanks for giving me the idea of dying my hair," she leaned closer and whispered mischievously, "Better luck next time,babe." I froze on spot.I watched her turn around and walked towards the cafeteria.

This girl was going to be the death of me.

Frustrated that my plan did not go as planned,I texted my gang to meet me at the park.

"Sup bro?" Roderick asked,his hand waving in the air aimlessly.

"The plan failed!Our plan fucking failed!"

"Fuck man,we should have sneaked up into the damn house." I was going to kill Blake. Why the fuck didn't he give better ideas since the beginning?




Kyle suggested the plat color and it turned out smoothly -- way better than I expected.I had been receiving tons of compliments since the beginning of the day but the smile on my face had other meanings behind -- I was proud that I dethroned
Isaac Miller.I was way wiser.He was clearly stunned when he saw me.He thought he'd earn the satisfaction of laughing at me?Well,too bad -- and that was on the art of deception.

My phone began ringing in my bag and walking away from the crowded and noisy hallway, I headed to the janitor's.

"Dad?" I asked in astonishment and disgust at the same time.

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