17 | badboys

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5 February 2019

"Riley, let's go!" I heard Isaac yelling from downstairs. I hadn't even curled my hair and he was already annoying me.

"I'm not ready yet!" I shouted back and seconds later, an annoyed Isaac opened the door. We were currently in his house, getting ready to go to his cousin Garrett's birthday party - the same guy who basically harassed me during the party I attended with Dylan last year but we had met several times since then and he excused himself for his rash behavior. He was drunk, after all.

"How come you're not ready? You've been in this room for two hours, " he justified,grabbing my purse from his nightstand.

"I was doing my makeup babe," I pouted.I grabbed the hair curler that Isaac's mom lent me and did my hair. I had been thinking about chopping my hair into a bob recently but Isaac disagreed, saying 'I love your long hair. Don't cut it if you love me and besides,I want you to try some new colors.'

After another half an hour, I finally managed to get out of the room, all dressed. I was wearing a pair of low-rise boyfriend jeans and a monochrome tank that Isaac gifted me last week.

During the car drive, Isaac pluged his phone to the AUX cord, letting the slow music play. I leaned my head back against my seat, breathing in and out, reminiscing everything that happened last year.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I looked at Isaac with a cheeky smile. He leaned towards me and pecked my cheek. I felt the familiar butterflies erupting inside of my stomach.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We made it to Garrett's house a few moments later. His house was crowded and the smell of alcohol was intoxicating. I followed Isaac, his hands in mine.I bumped into someone and when I was about to excuse myself, I notice it was Lori.

"Lori, what's up?" I asked, pulling her into my embrace.

"My jealousy for you," she joked. "No but seriously, you're glowing. I wonder how Isaac managed to get a girl that I like."

"I'm hearing everything Lo," Isaac grunted, rubbing his temples.

"I'm not blind, baby bro." Lori was pretty cool compared to women of her age.Isaac whispered that he was going to meet some friends and I nodded.

"Take care of her, Lo." He warned before disappearing in the crowd.

"Wanna go on the balcony?" she suggestdd and I nodded. I smiled widely when I realised it was the place where Isaac and and I first kissed.

"Fun fact, Isaac and I kissed here for the first time," I voiced.

"You know, it's still hard to believe that you're real. I mean, my brother was a douchebag before and honestly when Jill called me one day and gave me a detailed description of you, I thought she was exaggerating but when I saw you for the first time and got to know to you, I knew that you were one. The one I'd let steal my baby bro's tainted heart. "

"Frankly, I was the female version of Isaac. I'd hang out with a different guy week or every two days. I'd always go to parties, drink, smoke and get wasted but when I met Isaac, I changed for the better. I stopped drinking excessively and also stopped smoking. " I felt so light-hearted. I felt free from all of my past troubles. I felt alive.

"My mom really do love you though, unlike Christiana who she hated. She didn't like her fake attitude and neither did I." I chuckled.

"I never knew until a few months ago that Isaac had another sister - that is you." She laughed.

"Isaac and I talk but very rare with me doing my night shifts at the hospital plus I have meetings once a week. It's tiring." She huffs.

"How is it to work in a hospital?" I asked curiously. "Because I'm good in Biology and hoping to get a degree in Medicine."

"It's great actually. I am actually a pediatrician and concerning the degree, yes, I'm sure you'll get it."

"Thanks Lori!"


10 February 2019

"I'll miss you," I pouted as I hugged Lori. She was about to take her flight back to South Africa.

"I'll miss you too pumpkin and take care of my stupid brother."

We waved her goodbye as we watched her walking inside of the plane. Fifteen minutes later, it took flight. Isaac and I came alone to leave Lori at the airport since her mom was too sensitive and Jill was mad at Lori for leaving her again.

"You wanna go to the beach?" Isaac suggested as we were about to enter the car.

"Yeah,just drop me home first. I have to bring my swimsuit," I asked, plugging the AUX cord into my phone. Isaac and I shared the same love for music and I loved that.

"Don't wear anything revealing." He warned, his hands always resting on my thigh. He seemdd so infatuated with this action.

"Isaac! I can't go to the beach and swim in my jeans and sweatshirt," I complained, pushing his hand away but in a matter of seconds, his fingers were firmly gripping my thigh - again.

"You're my girlfriend and you're the most beautiful girl on earth. I can't let anyone steal you and rape you!" he argued.

"I'll wear what I want."

The rest of the car drive was wordless. Isaac was mad at me and vice-versa. Yes, I loved him more than I lovex myself but he cpildnt control me on what should I wear or not.

He dropped me home and I went to my room and opened my swimwear drawer. I pulled out the new bikini I recently bought, an orange two-piece. I put a pair of shorts on and a cropped cardigan to cover my chest since my man was mad.

He came to pick me up half an hour later, dressed in only a pair of shorts.
I almost drooled at the view but since I was supposed to be mad, I retained myself. He smirked, realizing how hard I was trying but I shrugged it off.

We made it at the beach and since the it was almost deserted, Isaac took the spot behind large rocks. It was hidden from the the people already there and more convenient for Isaac who thought he was the centre of this world sometimes.

I began removing my shorts and then my cardigan. I winced in pain when I felt Isaac's sharp hand slap my butt.

"Isaac!" I groaned.

"What? I warned you not to wear anything revealing and besides, you have a nice butt." He defended himself, pulling me down to sit on his lap. My thighs were resting on the sides of his waist and his hands were pressesd against my waist. I nuzzled my face into his neck, my anger suddenly disappearing.

"Let's go swim," I mumbled and hands in hands, we walked to the warm water. Isaac playfully splashed water on me and I did the same but adding my special touch - I kicked him in the butt.

His hands found my waist pulling me into his embrace and his soft lips met mine.

"I love you so much, " he confessed for the umpteenth time.

"It was worth it pranking the badboy," I whispered before we indulged into another passionate kiss.

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