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"Let's get lost in the wild."
- Walk The Moon

15 September 2018


In love.

I've been blinded by love for a few weeks now.We were currently in September and my life had never felt better.

Isaac and I were doing great.We had gone on multiple dates, I had stayed at his place several times - we were inseparable.

Excluding Isaac,life has been quite tough with my moody pregnant mother who has been trying to have a talk with me.Dylan was not very happy that my mother was pregnant either.

During these past few weeks, Kyle had finally decided to move in France for some time.It was quite hard to let him go but as long as he was okay, so was I,

"A penny for your thoughts, babe?" Isaac asked as he rubbed my back in a soothing way.

He was an angel.

"Just thinking about life," I admitted. When it came to Isaac, I was an open book and so was he.I learned a lot of things recently about him,I got to know more about his addiction to Justin Bieber, how he loved cats, etc.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.We were currently at his place, in his room, both laying on his bed.Who would have thought that I'd be laying on the same bed that I used to see from Kyle's window?

"I am.Let's go to McDonald's?" I suggested and he nodded, taking his key from one of his nightstand's drawers.We eventually arrived at our destination and my cravings intensified - I was on the point of ordering almost everything from the menu but thankfully, Isaac prevented me.

While waiting for Isaac,I took a seat and spotted Mia and Jasmine along with two guys - probably their dates or something.They flashed a quick smile at me but I didn't return it back.

I was a bitch after all.

"Here you go,babe," Isaac mumbled as he placed the tray in front of me. My mouth watered in anticipation as I stared at the crispy chips and the burger.

"Are you not going to eat?" I frowned, looking at him.

"No, thanks.I'm good," he smiled and despite forcing him to take at least one bite, he denied every offer.

"Look,if you're not going to eat - neither will I." I was hungry, yes, but I wouldn't let my boyfriend stare at me while devouring the food that he paid for.

"Okay, fine but not much," he surrendered and I grinned in victory.

"Let's take a selfie?" He rolled his eyes at my question but fished out his phone and after the click, I placed my tray in the middle of the table so that we could eat. Properly.

Monday rolled by swiftly and it was time for my internal exams.I had pretty much covered every single topic in my revision schedule.Isaac in the contrary had been really lazy.While I was busy revising in his bedroom, he was equally busy playing Call of Duty on his smartphone.

"Babe,I'm so freaking drained.I studied Biology all night and specifically about cells!I hate this topic!" I chuckled recalling the day he was mocking Blake for being 'dumb', according to him.

"I clearly mentioned to begin your revisions a week ago," I huffed.Without warning,Isaac pushed me against the closest wall and his lips collided against mine.

"I love you, babe," he whispered,his head now nuzzling in the crape of my neck.

"I love you," I smiled.

𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐁𝐨𝐲 Where stories live. Discover now