06 | silk

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"I'm surrounded by your embrace."
- Beyoncé

25 July 2018


"Riley." I stayed emotionless under my mother's obnoxious gaze.

"Mother." I wasn't really happy at the sight of her but during my trip to London,I realised that she was my mother even though she did not act like one.

"You're back from work." Dylan finally broke the tension.My mother smiled at her words.I had gotten use to it by now.As mom and Dyl endorsed into a conversation,I headed back to my room and completed some assignments which were due for tomorrow.

My phone buzzed in the middle of the course and I unplugged it from the charger.I glanced in confusion at my phone screen - I did not give my number to anyone except my sister and Damien.

Hey princess.

How did you get my new number, asshole?

That was definitely Isaac.He was the only human that called me princess and not gonna lie, it was somehow at the same time awkward and cute.

Your sissy helped.

Dylan helped?That was quite unbelievable but believable at the same time since she was among the two people that had my number.How
did Isaac even get in touch with my sister?

"DYLAN!" I shouted from my room and within a few seconds,she was standing by the door.

"Why did you give my number to Isaac Miller?" I questioned as I played with the hem of my t-shirt.I still hadn't gotten out of my school clothes.

"He was pestering me on Instagram. He sent me thousands of messages and it was getting tiring at some point," she huffed in annoyance,"I should have asked you first,so,sorry."
I smiled at her before she walked away, eyes glued to her iPad.

I completed all of my remaining work before taking a shower and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top which smelled like fresh lavender-
my favorite scent.

After my alarm went off at 8 p.m,I hurried downstairs for dinner since I was starving to death.Everett,the chef, was standing in front of the stove,stirring the large spoon in the white bowl.

"Evening Everett," I chirped,pulling out a glass from the drawer.

"Good evening,dear.You are back?" I nodded and eagerly gulped my water.

"How is Sandra?" Sandra was Everett's 16 years-old daughter who was diagnosed of cancer.Despite the two years gap,Sandra and I became best friends but I hadn't seen her in a while now since she is in India for medical exams.

"She is doing better!" he joyfully said in excitement.

After the meal was served,I ate as quickly as I could,so as to avoid my sulky parents.I did not really mind sitting alone in the dining room.It was
better than listening to unwanted remarks from mostly unwanted people.


26 July 2018

Beep Beep.

I groaned as my alarm went off.I grabbed my phone from the side table and switched off the alarm.I laid idle on the bed for a few more seconds before heading to the bathroom to freshen up and fifteen minutes later,I was out of the bathroom dressed in a mustard silk Midi skirt and a black Rolling Stones baggy t-shirt.I paired the outfit with my white Air Forces and grabbed my bag and my car key before heading out.

On the way to school,I picked up Zoe since on Fridays,I usually pick her up.
She was already waiting by the usual spot dressed in a mini beige plaided skirt and a black tank top, complementing her pale skin tone.

"Morning love," she greeted as she tightened her seat belt.

"Hey,do you know why Kyle has been avoiding me lately?" I questioned, concentrating on the road ahead. It took a couple of seconds before she finally responded.

"I don't really know.He's been avoiding me too..." she admitted and I sensed sincerity in her voice.

"We've got some investigation to do, Zo," I chuckled,recalling all the moments we tried to act like detectives but failed miserably.We stopped by Starbucks before heading straight to school.

As I got out of the car,I noticed Isaac chatting with his friends a few metres away but I avoided his gaze.I was not
in the perfect mood to deal with his nonsense right now and besides,I had to act very nice with him since my big comeback was on it's way but before all of that,I've got to figure out what was wrong with Kyle.

Zoe and I were standing next to Kyle's locker. I nudged her as I noticed the familiar dark brown hair.

"Kyle... Did we do something?" I asked as soon as he was in a close proximity.

"No," he replied, barely audible.

"Be frank,Ky.What's wrong?"

"My mother passed away and I missed the funeral.I'm just a bad p-"

"You're not a bad person,Ky ," Zoe reassured him, pulling him into a welcoming hug.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I pulled him into my embrace before walking him to class.He seemed tired and lost-just like me two weeks ago.After leaving Kyle,Zoe and I headed to the gym for the boring PE class.

I changed into my regular pair of
black biker shorts and my dark blue tank top while Zoe changed into a pair of white shorts and a mauve cropped-top.

Isaac had PE classes with me.


"Hills," he said sternly as I sent him a smile.His friend Blake waved at me and I returned the gesture.Blake and
Isaac had been inseparable since freshman year like Jasmine,Mia and I but the only difference that we weren't friends anymore-I mean,we just didn't talk which was basically a sign of disclosure.

"Run 30 laps and then come see me!" the lazy coach Sanders yelled at the top of his voice.

Better than before,Sanders.


"Get ready,Ry.We're going to be running like Usain Bolt," Zoe joked before we started our 'task.' I hated PE
since it was tiring and boring.Coach was a lazy,obese man.I sometimes wondered how he even got the job.

Coach Sanders' favorite student was Isaac Miller, of course since he formed part of the football team and was one of the best elements, as far as I've heard. I've never assisted a football game since I wasn't the sporty type of girl who'd support total jerks just to make a show.

"That was...exhausting," I couldn't even breathe at this point.My ribs were aching to death.My eyes shifted from the grass to Isaac Miller.He was with a girl - not the girl from the other day - and they were making out.


"GET A ROOM!" I shouted,as Zoe and I left to get changed.Isaac's cheeks turned into a tinge of pale and I smirked proudly.

I made the Devil blush.

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