Pietro M./Quicksilver •~• Sister

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(Y/n) was watching The Addams Family in Avenger Tower's living room with some paprika chips, giggling at Wednesday, totally unaware of Pietro watching her from behind the corner.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Pietro whipped around and shushed his sister, who sneaked behind him. Wanda smirked as her twin brother took her with him to the kitchen in a rush. (Y/n) frowned and looked behind. Did I just hear...? She shrugged. Nah.

In the kitchen, Wanda crossed her arms while grinning. "What did you think you were doing?" she asked Pietro, although she knew exactly what was going on in his precious mind.

He shrugged it off. "Nothing, I just wanted to watch something, but (Y/n) was already--"

His heavily accented answer was cut off by his knowing twin. "You like her, don't you?" Wanda questioned. She narrowed her eyes as if she was up to something.

Pietro knew that look. And oh, how he hated it. (The positive side of it was that that was the only thing he didn't like about her.)

His thoughts were rolling through each other. They were debating. The one said he just had to tell Wanda how he felt about (Y/n). That he adored her. Maybe she could help him.

But then, the other spoke that he better shouldn't. Or she'd over-like it and try to couple them, which would lead into a complete disaster, or she'd hate it and she'd be pissed at (Y/n).

Then, finally, the speedster decided. "Of course, I don't! If I did, you seriously thought I wouldn't be constantly hitting on her?" Pietro scoffed. No, he didn't hit on her, but for another reason: to everyone else, he could be arrogant and sassy, but to her? Never. She was the only one who was allowed to make him shy.

Before eyebrow-raised Wanda could've responded, her brother rushed away. She sighed and shook her head. She'd never seen him so head over heels he couldn't even try to flirt, scared of ruining their bond.

Although Quicksilver had tried to hide his feelings from the team, the Scarlet Witch knew exactly what yanked through his mind. What she didn't know was what she could've done to help the best brother she could've wished for.


Not caring where he was going, Pietro ended up on the couch in the living room with crossed arms. He was there all by himself. (Y/n) was gone, although the chips still laid there, and the TV was not turned off.

Pietro's frustrated gaze suddenly was distracted by the chips. Shall he...? He then shrugged. Why not? He grabbed the bag and stuffed some chips into his mouth. Right then, (Y/n) entered the living room without him noticing at first when she returned from the bathroom.

She snickered when she saw Pietro snacking in delight. He probably heard it. He whipped his head around and when he saw it was her, his cheeks flushed red. He smiled apologetically when she looked at the bag of chips.

She laughed and plopped down next to him. "It's nothing, Pietro, " she assured. He chuckled. Her laughter faded when his smile disappeared. "What's wrong? You seem kinda flustered."

Pietro looked at her and shrugged. "You don't have a sister, no?" he asked.

(Y/n) nodded understanding where this was going, trying not to smile in awe when he spoke with that adorable accent. "Troubles in brotherhood?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love Wanda, but..." He sighed. "Sometimes, she just needs to mind her own business."

(Y/n) shrugged. "She's probably just trying to help, " she guessed.

Pietro nodded. "I know, but that is the problem: I need to handle my own struggles."

"Completely agree, " (Y/n) commented. "I had that more with my mother, though."

Pietro nodded again. He didn't show how much he enjoyed this conversation. "Maybe I should tell her: Wanda, even if it's about girls, I need to ha--" His blue eyes widened when he realized what he just said.

(Y/n) smirked. "Ooh, you like someone?" she slightly teased in a low voice. She tried to ignore the bubble that surrounded her stomach.

Pietro shook his head. "No no no no no! Not really, I just... I..." For probably the first time in his life, he blocked. The thoughts were rushing through his brain so fast he couldn't even think them anymore.

How the hell could he get himself out of this situation? Running away? No, that'd be too rude. Denying? Too obvious. Telling her a part of the truth? It was too late. She suspected something.

(Y/n) was confused. Why was he so nervous? Then, she remembered something Tony teased her with earlier. That Pietro "was attracted to her in a certain way". The day after, it had spread through the whole tower. Even Thor said Pietro "fancied her". Everyone knew about the gossiping, except for Pietro himself.

One day earlier, Wanda had a chat with her. She brought up her brother and so, after Wanda was certain, (Y/n) received the official information, away from the gossips and jokes, that Pietro did like her. Very much.

She decided to risk it and leaned in to kiss Pietro's red cheek. She was amused to see the dreamy gleam in his eyes. "I like you too, Pietro, " she whispered. She walked out, still smiling.

Pietro touched the spot on his cheek. "нечто из ряда вон выходящее ("Wow" if Google Translate is not shitting me)."

Wanda stood behind the corner. "That's what sisters are for, брат (" brother"), " she whispered.

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