Favorite Movie/Film Series

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Tony: Pretty Woman. It was so... His style. Steve judged him for it, but Tony didn't care. (He'd constantly seduce you while watching it, though. You just laughed and called him a dork.)

Steve: Cinderella. He loved Disney extremely much. That's mainly why he called you "princess". He knew all the songs, almost every line, and after watching it, he'd sing himself asleep with "Bibbity Bobbity Boo", which slightly freaked you out. On his birthday, Tony once gave him a Cinderella dress. To his great disappointment, Steve actually liked it. He even hugged Tony. *shooketh*

Bruce: Jurrasic Park and World. Although it was scientifically impossible (according to him), he still liked the way the prehistoric creatures were brought to life. He'd even laugh when the Hulk sometimes popped out for a split second to join the roar of the dinosaurs. At least one thing they had in common!

Pietro: Mission Impossible. The thing he loved the most about it was definitely the music. He'd hum it whenever it crossed his mind, driving everyone around him insane. Except for Scott, though. He always joined in.

Peter P.: Mary Poppins. She was so supercalifragilisticexplialadocious! And somehow, she reminded him of his aunt (with a little help from the name).

Bucky: Now You See Me (2). He liked the tricks the illusionists played on everyone and how it pulled them out of bad situations.  If only he could do that!

Clint: Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. All because of Legolas, his favorite character. Oh, and Merry and Pippin and Fili and Kili, of course. He cried for three weeks when the last two died, to Nat's big irritation.

Thor: Annie. He knew every single song out of his head and would pretend his hammer was a guitar while singing (read: shouting) them along. He'd even yell: "It's a hard-knock life!" when he smacked an enemy with it.

Loki: Dumb and Dumber (To). He'd laugh his demigod ass off when Harry and Lloyd bumped into something (or each other) or when they acted like two marginal toilet-brains. Nothing better to relax than to make fun of idiots!

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