Stark's Funeral •~• We Both Lost A Hero

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Lucy walked up to Pepper, who sat down on a bench, all alone. She sat down next to her and crossed her legs. She sighed and looked at her. "We're all gonna miss him, " she spoke.

Pepper didn't move until she saw a little black-haired boy playing with her daughter. She looked at Lucy, then back at the boy. "Is that your son?"

Lucy nodded and smiled tinily. "Jörmun. Five years old."

Pepper turned back to her. "Quite a special name. I like it."

"Thanks, " Lucy chuckled. She ran a hand through her hair. "We are very alike, Pepper."

Pepper frowned slightly. "We are?" she asked, a bit surprised by being compared to a powerful Avenger.

Lucy nodded with a hum. "We're both strong and independent women, we fought with the Avengers, we both have a wonderful child..." She paused to sigh. "...and the love of our lives died in front of us as a hero."

Pepper shed a tear and quickly wiped it away. "How was he?"

Lucy smiled. "Wicked." She looked at Pepper. "First he was good, then bad, then something in between, then good, and then... Over. Strangled by that purple nutsack in front of my eyes."

Pepper became curious. "Did I know him?"

Lucy nodded. "You did, but not always in a positive way." She sighed. "He used to be considered a villain. Not by me, to be honest. He was just..." She chuckled. "He was."

"Your son inherited your looks, " Pepper told her with a smile.

Lucy shrugged. "Sometimes, it hurts to look at him, you know. I see so much of him in that boy."  She deeply inhaled. "We never had those average conversations, though. We were both quite reckless, insane, both protecting the ones we loved, protecting each other..." She put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "But he was still the God of Mischief..."

Pepper's eyes widened in realization. She covered her mouth with her hand, slightly shooketh. "So Loki..."

"...was my love, " Lucy finished. "He tried to save me and Thor from Thanos, and so he paid the price." She squeezed an empty soda can as if it were Thanos himself. Pepper put a hand on her wrist. "It's fine, Pepper. And, who knows, maybe with all that happened and could happen... Maybe he could come back someday."

Pepper slightly frowned. "So you'll wait for him?"

Lucy shrugged. "Maybe not - I'm quite certain that no one can replace him." She smiled at Pepper. "Can I talk to your daughter for a moment?"

Pepper returned the smile as her lips curved. "Sure. Morgan!" she called.

"Yes, mommy?" the little girl asked when she arrived.

Pepper gestured to Lucy. "She wants to talk with you." She turned to Lucy. "I'll leave you guys alone, alright?" She sent her daughter a swift smile before she stood up to have a chat with Peter and his aunt.

Morgan hopped down next to Lucy with a frown. "You are Jörmun's mommy, right?"

Lucy nodded and stuck out her hand. "Lucy, " she introduced.

"I'm Morgan Stark, " the little girl answered. She accepted the handshake. "What do you want to speak to me about?"

"Your dad."

Morgan looked away. "Oh."

"If it's okay, of course."

Morgan shrugged. "I dunno. It makes me kinda sad."

"All I wanted to tell you is: never forget the memories you two created, " she told her. "Every memory. All of them."

"Even the baddies?" Morgan asked in a squeaky voice.

Lucy nodded. "Especially them, because then you know that besides the disagreements you had, you still loved each other. And also: your dad wouldn't want you to cry over him."

Morgan frowned. "But then he'll think I'm forgetting him, " she quietly replied.

Lucy shook her head. "He won't."

"Why is that?"

"Because he loves you 3000, " Lucy answered her with a smile. That is when Morgan broke. Her big, innocent eyes filled themselves with tears as she started sobbing. She hugged Lucy form aside. She hugged her back. After a few minutes, she calmed down, thinking about what Lucy said about the crying.

"Can I call you Auntie Lucy?" Morgan shyly questioned as she pulled back.

Lucy wiped her cheeks and smiled. "I would love that." Morgan smiled back, her eyes still red. "And never forget: your father was born a hero, lived a hero, and died a hero."

Morgan nodded. "I know." She looked at Jörmun, who stood by Quill and waved at her with a small smile. "Can I go back to play, please?"

Lucy smiled and nodded. "Of course."

Morgan hopped off the bench and went to Jörmun. She turned around, ran to Lucy, and jumped in her arms. "Thanks, Auntie Lucy."

"No problem, little Stark."

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