Lorna M./Polaris •~• Metal

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A/N: This will be about how Lorna, Peter's youngest sister, will get her powers. I know it's not certain that in DoFP the girl was Lorna, but I think it was. I guess she was eight there. This is six years later. Hallelujah.


Fourteen-year-old Lorna Maximoff yawned as she woke up on a sunny Thursday morning. She put a strand of hair behind her ear and got out of her bed. She put on her clothes: a pink shirt and a pair of jeans.

When Lorna jumped in front of her mirror with her comb, she screamed and dropped it immediately.

She gasped at what she saw in the mirror: the tips of her dark brown locks turned green. A shiny, emerald green.

She jumped when someone knocked on her door. "Lor? Everything alright?" she heard her twenty-three-year-old brother ask.

Lorna's eyes widened. "Sure! I, uh... I thought I saw a spider, but it was just hair! Nothing important!" she quickly answered.

Peter frowned. "Owkay." He zip-zapped down the stairs.

Lorna sighed in relief when he was gone. Her family couldn't know about this! Especially not her mother. She would be buried in even more worries with another mutant who couldn't control her mutation in her house.

Although she had to admit Peter knew how to use his powers. His mutation showed itself when he was only eleven. His brown hair, which was blond in his toddler years, started to become silver and when he wanted to run, his speed took over and he crashed into a wall or the furniture.

A few years later, when the twins were fifteen, Wanda's telekinesis suddenly appeared. And also chaos magic. Red swirls would let Peter trip, lift Lorna's hair, hide her mom's make up... One morning, she accidentally lifted a knife. Before her mom returned from the kitchen, Wanda took it. She saw Peter snicker. She made a gesture with the knife across her throat in an attempt to threaten her brother. He shrugged and continued eating.

And then, eight years later, Lorna had the same. She was curious about her powers. Maybe, she would be able to fly or lift up a plane with her bare hands like in Peter's comics? She had no clue.

She quickly went into the bathroom to wrap a towel around her hair. That would help for the morning, but not for the whole day, obviously. She had an idea. Lorna sneaked into Wanda's bedroom and took her grey hoodie out of her drawer. She'd stuff her hair into that before heading off to school so her family wouldn't notice.

Ten minutes later, after freshening up herself, Lorna entered the dining room to have breakfast with her siblings and mother. She took some orange juice and took a sip. "Why are you wearing a turban?" Wanda asked her.

Lorna rolled her eyes and smiled. "It's called a towel, sis. People wear that when they've washed her hair, " she told her, lying. She used the fact that Wanda was still learning her mind-reading to her advantage.

Peter nodded. "Indeed." His sisters frowned at him. He looked between them. "What? You guys know my hair's important, " he innocently added. Wanda and Lorna chuckled at their brother, sharing an amused look.

Their mother, Magda, took a seat at the table. Now, the family was complete. During breakfast, Peter told Wanda about this new comic series he discovered. Wanda, who didn't care at all, just nodded and focused on her toast. Magda looked at her youngest daughter, who silently ate her cereal. "Are you okay, Lorna? You seem kind of quiet, " she asked her.

She was right; usually, Lorna couldn't stop talking, and then Wanda had to use her telekinesis to keep her mouth shut.

Lorna quickly looked up from her food, wide-eyed. She hesitantly nodded. "Sure, mom, I'm completely fine. Just a slight headache, " she lied. Lorna hated it to lie. Especially to her mother. But, well, a lie for her own good wasn't going to harm anyone.

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