Bucky B./Winter Soldier •~• Nightmares

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A/N: If you read the Marvel One-Shots book of my friend Madmaral, (pls check it out, thanks) you may have noticed she wrote a chapter too about Bucky having nightmares.


I just like to write down my ideas how I see it and in my style. Thank. You.

Also: this will be OC x Bucky.

"If it's written like this, it's Russian"

!WARNING!: Possible cringe at some point.

Sasha sauntered through the hallway reading Little Women with a flashlight in her hand like a ghost on Halloween. It was 3 am. She was used to it, though, those sleepless nights. Usually, she had 3 to 4 hours of sleep. If she ever got lucky, she had 5 to 6 hours, and extremely rarely 7. All due to her insomnia.

She'd rather be awake than asleep, though. Sometimes, she would have sleep paralysis. It would be like a dream or a nightmare, but when things got worse, she couldn't escape. Her body and brain were frozen. It once even happened when she was conscious.

It made her scared to go to sleep. That's why she wouldn't even try it at first. She got up at 7:30 am, so she would try to go to sleep between 3:30 and 4 o'clock. She would stay in her room for the first 45 minutes to make sure the rest was asleep. Then, she'd roam through the tower for a few hours and sometimes fall asleep somewhere randomly, but mostly in her room.

That night, when she passed Bucky's room, she heard something. It sounded like heavy breaths, mumbling, and whining. Sasha frowned. She pressed her ear against his door and heard Bucky mumbling in Russian and English. Since she had been with the Maximoff twins a lot, she knew a bit of Russian.

"I am not their alley. I am a weapon."

"I can't kill them. Not them. Not her."

"Move or you will be moved."

"No! I won't watch them die! I can't kill them!"

"I'm afraid you have to."

Sasha's eyes widened at what she heard. It was clear that Bucky had a serious nightmare. She knew exactly what they felt like. She carefully entered Bucky's room. The lights were out, although she could see him very clearly, thanks to the moonlight shining through the curtains.

"Bucky?" Sasha whispered. Bucky gasped in his sleep. She went to sit on the edge of his bed and put her hand on his forehead. She could see the tears streaming down his cheeks and his face covered in sweat. "Bucky, " she repeated.

Bucky gasped again, awake this time. He jumped straight up in his bed and after a few seconds, he realized it was a dream. A very bad, nasty dream. He looked around to see the familiar room he was in. He noticed Sasha. She pulled the cord of the lamp on the nightstand. "What happened?" Bucky weakly whispered.

"You had a nightmare, " Sasha answered him. She tried to sound as calm as possible to calm him down, but in fact, she was as worried as hell.

Bucky ran his hands through his hair. "It was a dream?" It sounded like he didn't even dare to ask.

Sasha nodded. "A very ugly one, clearly."

"It was a dream, " Bucky whispered to himself. He looked up. "But it felt so real."

Sasha's heart sank when his eyes became glassy. "I know. It feels awful, doesn't it?" Bucky nodded on the edge of tears. Sasha moved to sit next to him. "Wanna talk about it?" she carefully asked.

Bucky bit his lip. "He was back. The monster inside of me, " he started, choking back his tears. "I had to kill my friends. Everyone I loved." Sasha grabbed his hand when he couldn't stop the tears anymore. "I-I had to watch th-them die. I ha-had to watch y-you die." Sasha wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his around her waist and cried in her lap. She ran a hand through his hair.

Suddenly, the lights on the hallway lit up. Steve came in. He was a light sleeper (away from the years he had spent in the ice) and heard them talking through the vents. "Hey, Buck, what's going--" He abruptly saw his best friend crying in Sasha's arms. "--on..." He frowned. Sasha shook her head as a sign for him to keep silent.

Then, as if the misery wasn't bad enough, Tony Stark entered the party. "Ey, guys, what is this, a gang bang or something?" he asked them, not even trying to be quiet.

Sasha sighed. "Get lost, Stark, " she snapped.

Steve pushed him out the door. "Alright, alright." He made a wolf noise to mock Sasha and left.

Steve held the door handle. Sasha nodded at him. She'd stay with Bucky. He nodded too, knowing his best and (probably) oldest friend would be in good hands. He wouldn't be Steve Rogers if he didn't have a chat with them the next day, though.

When Steve had left, Sasha turned to Bucky, who had been extremely quiet this whole time. "Bucky?" He slowly released her and looked up at her with the same, sad look. "I need you to listen to me. Okay?" He nodded.

Sasha sighed. "You are not the Winter Soldier, okay? You are James Buchanan Barnes. You're our Bucky. What HYDRA did to you was terrible, I know, but... Just like Banner and Hulk: you and the Winter Soldier are not the same."

Bucky looked away. "How do you know that?"

"Because I know you, Bucky, and I..." She doubted for a second. "And I love you. I know that you would never do those things to us, " she finished sternly.

Bucky looked wide-eyed at her. "You love me?" he whispered unbelievingly.

Sasha nodded. "I do. Otherwise, I wouldn't say it, would I?" she chuckled.

Bucky frowned. "Okay, but, wait... Before I interpret this wrong... Love as in "really good friends", or as in--"

Sasha cut him off by crashing her lips onto his. Bucky looked totally stunned. She pulled away.

"So it was the second option?" Bucky whispered. Sasha laughed. Bucky smiled.

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