Loki L. •~• Mr. Grinch

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Christmas. A feast Loki didn't even know it existed. When they told him, he scoffed. It was ridiculous. What was the meaning anyway? The birth of a so-called son of a God? Nonsense. One God? Only one? Loki knew at least ten - not even including him and his brother.

No. Christmas was definitely nothing for him. But his girlfriend (Y/n)? She loved it - so much she'd set up a tree on the first day of December and started humming the songs mid-November. Loki was quite amused with his girlfriend putting so much passion and enthusiasm in one simple day and the evening before.

It was December 24. Christmas Eve was near and Loki hated it. The Avengers - all way too hyped for his opinion - would constantly bother him, trying to pull the name of who he had to buy a present for out of him, so he hid in his room, locking his door, giving only (Y/n) the key.

He glanced up from his book when he heard his door being unlocked. He put it down and went from a laying to a sitting position on his bed with black sheets.

She closed the door behind her, locking it up again. She plopped down in front of him, tilting her head. "You're really not coming out today, are you?" she asked him.

Loki shrugged and smiled tinily. "Probably not, " he simply answered.

She frowned, slightly disappointed at his answer. "Why not?" she asked.

He hated it to make her feel that way. "I don't know, it's just..." He sighed. "I thought Christmas was all about the presents, and the food... The child of some god, but..." He looked at his hands. "I found a book about it and... It said it was all about peace... Peace and friends and family." His frowning face looked back up at (Y/n). "Which I both don't have."

She took his cold hands in her warm ones. "What are you talking about, Loki?"

He shook his head. "I've caused war, (Y/n). War and death, remember? All the Avengers hate me. And family..." He scoffed and turned his head away. "Family..."

(Y/n) blinked. "Just look at me, " she demanded. He slowly did so. She cracked a faint smile. "Loki..." She shook her head. "What you did back in 2012 was wrong - and kinda insane - but you're acknowledging it. And that's a good thing. Friends... They don't hate you. Yes, they still blame you, but they will know one day that you've learned your lesson. And, maybe, that day is today. And family..." She put her hand on his cheek. "Thor is your family. The Avengers are your family. I am your family. And I love you, " she finished with that sweet smile Loki loved so much.

His look softened as his thin lips smiled a wide and real smile. He put his hand on hers. "I love you too, darling, " he whispered.

The words tickled her. She laughed as she squeezed his now warm hand. "So what do you think, Mr. Grinch? Are you joining us tonight?"

He raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes as she smirked. "Are you comparing me to a fat, green furball?" She laughed. He chuckled. "I'd be honored, " Loki agreed. Then, his eyes widened.

She frowned. "What's wrong?"

"This game called Secret Santa?" His girlfriend nodded. "Yeah, well, I didn't buy Clint anything."

(Y/n) gasped. "Then what are you waiting for?"

He nodded, grabbed his coat, and sprinted away. She watched him leave. Three seconds later, he ran back in, pecking her sweetly on her cheek with his satin lips. "Love you, darling." He then ran out again. (Y/n) laughed and shook her head with a grin.

Little did he know she was his Secret Santa.

Her gift?

Their first kiss.

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