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It's been a day since Al and I sneaked into the Clarion's office to retrieve the notebook that Augustus' was hiding all along. I could still rememeber the emotions that's welling up inside me when I got the notebook. I really thought that we have already won. That we have already got the information that could help us to bring down M's organization.

But just like in a cliche movies and drama, unpredictable circumstances really happens. We didn't see it coming. The table had turned. Augustus outsmarted us.

Why so? I thought or rather we thought that the contents of the notebook will reveal the Moriarty's organization. We thought that it's all about the identity of it's minions but we are all wrong. It turns out that it's just all about one of his generals that could shocked the whole student body once this information got leaked in public.

The EIC reveals the affiliation of the student council Vice President with the organization.

"Are you going on a date or something?" I shifted my gaze from the mirror to Loki who was holding the dart in his right hand. His dull eyes look at me from head to toe. I carried my bag after combing my long hair.

"Yes I am," I answered putting my phone and my purse inside my bag. I also checked that thing that I hid underneath my hanky.

"Where are you exactly going?" He asked next still looking at me. It seemed that he doesn't want to believe that I'm going on a date this saturday morning.

"Amusement park," I answered again, wearing my wedges.

"With whom?" Why was he aking that out of the blue? Geez, he's delaying my leave.

"With someone."

"Wait me here," he ordered making me confused. He then threw the dart that he was holding before he rushed in his room, leaving me behind.

My forehead creased as I stared at his white wooden door. Sighing, I sat on the couch and put my bag down beside me. I stared at the dart board where Augustus' photo was pinned there.

I couldn't even recognized the EIC's face because of the holes that was because of sharp end of his toy.

The dart that Loki had thrown a while ago hit Augustus' right eye. I couldn't blame him though. He's been in between of depression and anger after our plan yielded. He vented his frustrations out by throwing his darts repeatedly on our enemy's photo.

I was supposedly to take my leave at exactly ten o'clock in the morning but Loki told me to wait him here. That's why I'm already fifteen minutes late and I'm getting bored already.

Oh wait? Did I say those words? Looks like I'm starting to adapt Loki's words.

I sat straight when I heard a creaking noise coming from his door. I turned my head on my left. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. I was astonished when I saw him in his casual clothes while fixing his collar. My brows almost met. I promptly stood and placed both of my hands on my waist.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm coming with you," he muttered in his usual monotone voice. He still looked unbothered by what he said.

"What?" My voice slightly raised as I looked at his frozen face with so much disbelief.

T-this man is so unpredictable!

"Let's go, the sun's getting hotter now," he's now rolling his sleeves into half. He then pocketed his phone and his wallet.

My mouth was left open as he walk past me and reached the doorknob. I could smell even his strong perfume. When he noticed that I didn't follow him, he turned around again to face me.

"Are you gonna stare at me or what?" My eyes blinked upon hearing his voice. I unconsciously placed my right palm on my face.

He heaved a deep sigh before marching towards in my direction. He reached and gently pulled my hand causing me to move a little. When my consciousness were back, I immediately took my sling bag and slid it on my shoulder.

"B-but I'm gonna ride on a train!" I prostested as I walked behind him still holding my hand.

"Then let's ride on the train together," he answered, closing the door.

Project Loki: A Mendez X Rios FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon