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I've never been so embarrased like this before. Halos wala akong mukhang maiharap habang sinisermonan kami ni Inspector Double M ngayon.

"You are acting like a highschool students again." The inspector massaged his temples. After he bombarded us with thousands of question, his head probably got hurt. "You four are already grown ups! You should act according to your age."

"We are acting according to our age inspector," Loki reasoned. "We just wanna know who's the head behind these continuous crimes that's all."

But no matter how we tried to explained our sides, the inspector wouldn't just easily back down. I sighed, we shouldn't agree with Loki's brilliant—if I may borrow his words— but failed plan in the first place. Maybe if we did it in democratic way again, we would not have end here.

"Inspector naman," Jamie spoke next. Touching her braided hair. "Hindi naman talaga dapat magfafail 'yung plano ng Loki dear ko kung hindi lang kami nakitang nagmamasid sa bahay na iyon!"

I mentally facepalm. Now we're all guilty.

"What we did was wrong, inspector. But what they did was much wrong and much worst than us!" Loki pointed out, his voice was getting louder that Jamie had to carresed his arms to calm him down.

"But still you need to face—"

Inspector was interrupted when someone knocked on the door before it slowly creaked open. Napatingin kami rito at hinintay na makapasok ang taong kanina pa namin hinihintay. Finally he has arrived.

"Luthor!" He gazed at his brother first before gazing at me. Though, it didn't last long before he gazed back at the inspector.

We're listening the whole time that the inspector were explaining things that happened today to Luthor. Paminsan-minsa'y sumasabat ang kapatid nito ngunit napapatigil din sa tuwing sinisita ni Inspector. I turned my gaze to Alistair when he gently elbowed me on my arm.

"Did you bring your car? I still have meeting for tonight so I can't drive you home." I glanced at my wristwatch before shaking my head.

"No worries, I can manage myself na." I replied, smiling

Sandali nito akong tinitigan. "You sure?" I nodded.

"Sasabay nalang ako kina Jamie kung sakali."


After clarifying some things, the inspector finally let the four of us go home. Thanks to the help of our lawyer over here.

"Nariyan na ang sundo ko. I need to go na. Bye guys! Bye Loki dear!" Jamie waved her hand as she walked to the parked car in front of the station.

"Ako rin," Alistair said, raising his gaze from his phone. He then turned to me. "Just text me if you got home safely."

I nodded and smiled. I appreciate his care towards me but he didn't really have to concern himself with my welfare. Malaki na ako at kaya ko na ang sarili ko.

"I have my car with me," Luthor spoke when they already out of our sights. Me, as well as his brother turned to him. He was still holding his black briefcase. Halatang galing pa sa firm. "I can drive you home if you—"

"Nah, thanks." Loki cut his words short. "My ride is already here. Do you wanna come with me, Lorelei?"

I gulped when he mentioned my name. Napatingin muna ako sa kanya bago umiling.

"My apartment is far from yours. You can go ahead now. I'll be fine." He then looked at me and at his brother before leaving without saying any words.

Nang kaming dalawa nalang ang naiwan ay nagkaroon ng sandaling katahimikan. We watched as Loki's vehicle vanished from our sights.

Project Loki: A Mendez X Rios FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon