Chapter 5

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"Something's wrong mom."

Brooklyn's body was shaking roughly as Veronica grabbed her.Veronica's eyes watered slightly. "W-Why?" She whimpered. "Why did he have to do it!" I rushed over to her. "Please calm down baby, it will be alright. Go call the ambulance." She nodded and ran downstairs. "Brooklyn! Can you hear me?" I tried,my voice cracking. It wasn't long before the paramedics rushed in taking her now fragile body away from me.

I'm so sorry Brooklyn. "Mommy?" Meghan's voice spoke up. Scared and terrified written all over her features. "Yeah Meg?" My voice cracking in places, I was trying to prevent myself from breakage. "Is Brooky gonna be okay?" I nodded furiously. "Yes of course! But we have to go now." I picked her up and took her downstairs where the ambulance lights were surrounding the area and where Veronica's limp body leaned against the wall weakly.

"Roni!" I called her but all she did was shrug me off. "Roni please." I pleaded but again a shrug was there instead of a reply. Sighing, I looked down until a paramedic came up to me. "Mrs Valderrama?"

"Yes?" I breathed out. "Brooklyn, is fine she was just having an epileptic seizure."


It's so dark here. I hate it. I guess I had a seizure again. Epilepsy sucks right?! I forced my eyes open but then shut them again since there was a bright light disturbing me. "Brooky? Are you okay?" I nodded with my eyes still closed. 'Yes' I wanted to say but for some reason my mouth won't budge. "Brooklyn?" I heard a female voice spoke up. I opened my eyes again but not so widely. I placed a hand over my throat. "Water?" Someone asked. I nodded weakly.

I felt a bottle top placed itself on my lips. I drank a bit of the water, the cool liquid running through my throat felt much better. "I'm o-okay." I managed to gasp out. My eyes widened a bit more since they were adjusting to the light in the room. "Where am I?" My mind swirled as I tried to sit up. "In the hospital." Hospital?! I hate that word! Hate the place more like! "Why am I here? You didn't need to take me to a hospital because of a seizure guys." I chuckled a bit at the end as I laid eyes on every person in the room.

"Brooky? What happened?" I looked to the side of me to see Meghan's perplexed expression. "Ermm... I had...I'm sick." I decided to tell her instead. "Brooklyn?" Veronica called. "Are you s-sure your okay?" I smiled at her but then frowned, remembering the recent events. I placed a hand at the back of my head. "We bandaged that up Miss Brooklyn." A male voice spoke up.

I looked towards the voice and saw a doctor in a white coat. "You need to start being more careful Brooklyn." I nodded. "You may leave once your mom," he gestured to Demi, I cringed. "Has signed the discharge papers." Then he walked out. Leaving me alone with Demi's guilty gaze. But it's not her fault. I'm sorry.

Once we had left the hospital and arrived home,Demi ignored me completely. I mean I don't blame her or anything, but at least she could not make it so obvious. I sighed heavily as my stomach grumbled. Ever since I can remember, I always became hungry after a seizure. "Veronica?" I whispered. She turned her head. "I'm hungry." She smiled widely. "Want me to tell mom?" I shook my head and my eyes widened. "No thanks,I'll be fine."

"But you-" she started. "I said I'm fine." She sighed and continued to watch her program. Demi walked in. "Quick Veronica upstairs now!" She nodded and ran upstairs. Demi was about to turn away but she looked at me. "You too Brooklyn!" She growled. I gulped and nodded, running upstairs to my bedroom.

Something bad is going to happen, very soon.

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