Chapter 1

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Friday the last day of school for two whole weeks most teenagers are excited no school, more time to party and hang out with friends.

Well not me it just means two whole weeks of staying in this hell house with the devil.

"ALEXISSSS" speaking of devil.

Marcus is my foster father I've been with him for five years now and I've been in foster care for nine years almost eight my real father is in prison, I never found out why but I haven't seen him since I was four years old.

After my father was arrested I live with my mom but she left when I was seven, she said she was taking a vacation with some friends and left me home alone for three weeks until a police officer came to the apartment and took me to social services.

A neighbour had called the police to tell them I had been left alone.

I still don't know where my aunt went or why she had left.

I was thrown into different foster homes for three years until I ended up here with Marcus which is where I've been for the past five years.

At first he was nice but about two months after I had been staying with him he began hitting me.

I've given up on trying to escape if I get sent to a different home it may just end up being worse.

I stoped my thoughts and grabbed my school bag and slowly made my way downstairs running my fingers through my blonde hair.

I was wearing a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie along with my black converse.

"Yes Marcus?" I asked as I entered the living room where he was sprawled across the couch drinking a beer.

Jeez it's 8:00am.

"Come here" he said as he stood up stumbling a bit.

Oh god.

As soon as I was close enough I felt the stinging sensation across my left cheek.

Then again.

And again.

Eventually the slaps turned into punches and kicks ending up with me on the ground trying not to scream that would only make it worse.

After about two hours of relentless pain he went upstairs.

My stomach was bleeding he had smashed a beer bottle and cut me with it.

I slowly got up wincing in pain and went to the kitchen to clean myself up.

I looked in the mirror I kept in the school bag to see the damage to my face.

I looked awful.

Busted lip, bruises all over my face. My piercing green eyes looked so dull.

I applied some makeup and went to school I was extremely late buy oh well it's not like it was my fault.

I made it to class and barged in not even sparing the teacher a glance and went straight to the back and sat down.

"Miss Mills good of you join us today" my teacher said obviously being sarcastic as she gave me a disapproving look.

I hate school I don't bother making friends because what's the point I'll only be up moving at some point anyway and besides they'll only turn on you in the end.

I can't be bothered with that shit.

School went by quickly mostly because I wasn't there for most of it and skipped a few classes.

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