Chapter 8

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"Ayyee she's back" Ash grinned as I walked into class.

"You feeling better?" Ryan asked as I took my seat.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Poor Ash wouldn't stop worrying, he was acting like a baby" Ryan chuckled.

"Ryannn" Ash whined with a pout. "It's not my fault Lucas made it sound like she was gonna die."

"He was exaggerating" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well we're glad you didn't die though" Ryan said with a chuckle and a wink.

"Thanks I guess" I mumbled.

The teacher walked in and started the lesson however I noticed a boy a few seats away staring at me every now and then but I decided to ignore it not really caring.

When it was finally time for Lunch I was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria with the boys and their friends when I noticed two girls shoving another girl into the lockers rather harshly.

I instantly felt myself becoming angry especially when they started shouting at her.

Then I notice the bitch about to punch the poor girl, and before I could even think of what I was doing I had pushed past Cameron and Jordan and grabbed the bitches arm dragging her back then stood in front of the girl protectively.

"What the fuck" the bimbo screeched. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

I just stood there lazily with a bored expression on my face, holding the strap of my backpack that was on one shoulder.

I noticed the boys had stopped, noticing what was going on.

"Tone it down would you there's no need to shout" I said.

"What the hell do you think your doing" the growled whilst glaring at me along with her friend.

"Hm? Who me?" I said innocently pointing to myself.

"Yes you, you bitch now move out of the fucking way unless you want a messed up face" she screeched again and tried to walk past me to get to the girl but I stood in her way.

She glared at me and shoved me into to lockers. Hard. Which really didn't do and good to my ribs or the wounds on my back.

"Stay the fuck out of this stupid slut" she said intensifying her glare.

I stood straight and dropped my bag to the ground.

Now I was annoyed.

I didn't show it though.

I stepped towards her and smirked.

"Ya know that little glare of yours doesn't make you intimidating and picking on people doesn't either it just makes you look like a bitch and you had better think twice the next time you lay a hand on me. I'm definitely not someone you wanna fuck with" I said growling at the last part.

She chuckled before saying "Excuse me who do you think you are to threaten me slut."

I didn't even have time to react when her hand landed on my cheek.

She smirked victoriously but I showed no emotion. I didn't even flinch, I just looked at her with an unimpressed look.

"Is that it?" I questioned and the smug look on her face disappeared.

I noticed Noah and Elliott about to come over and they didn't look happy.

She went to hit me again but this time I caught her arm and twisted it around her back causing her to gasp in shock.

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