Chapter 3: Let's Get Ready To Rumble

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To say I was only a little nervous for tonight would be a complete understatement, and the damp sweat collecting in my armpits would lead one to think otherwise.

There was a lot of pressure riding on tonight, because first impressions were everything, and mine had to be top notch. I needed to perfectly embody the stereotypical main character of a boxer fanfic--even my breathing had to be spot on.

That's why I'm currently speed reading through a bunch of boxer fanfics to refresh my memory, as Calum and I sit in The Rumble's parking lot--which happens to be located in the sketchiest part of town, big surprise there.

"Pop quiz!" I shout, causing Calum to jump at the sudden outburst, and he shoots a hand up to his chest to calm his surely racing heart. "If we get separated, what do you do?" I question.

Swearing under his breath, Calum glares at me. "I leave at midnight, with or without you, unless you tell me otherwise." He robotically replies, like we've practiced.

"And if the cops show?"

"We leave together, unless I'm instructed otherwise."

"Good." I nod approvingly. "And if Luke Hemmings offers me a ride home or his jacket, because that happens in these kinds of stories, what do you do?" I question again, glancing out the rearview mirror at the crowd of people shuffling into the building.

"I let him." Calum sighs, adjusting the car heater. "Are you sure he's even fighting tonight?"

"Yes." I answer, and quickly flip my phone screen around to show him Michael's latest Snapchat story--a video of him inside the gym portion of the building, posted about an hour ago.

'Alright, who's coming to The Rumble tonight to watch Luke Hemmings go head to head with his biggest opponent yet? Let me know if I-"

"See." I grin, shutting off my phone and slipping it into my pants pocket. Michael's video has given me a rush of adrenaline, and I pop open the car door, jumping out as gracefully as possible. "Now let's go, Cal!" I exclaim with a fist in the air, waiting for him to join me.

With a final huff, Calum yanks his keys from the ignition and follows me towards the building's front doors, as we try our best to avoid eye contact with the few sketchy looking people we pass.

"Here goes nothing." I breath out, and with a nod of encouragement Calum and I step inside, following the mass of people making their way down a flight of steps.

As we descend the stairs to the basement, a strong wave of musty fabric and sweat infiltrates my nostrils--I want to gag, but I pull myself together and force myself to inhale deeply, taking the foul odor like the strong independent woman I am.

Calum on the other hand, seems to be struggling a bit, as I see his face scrunch up in utter disgust, on the verge of gagging himself.

"You really think this is gonna work?" He asks with a sour expression, as he tries to ignore the nasty smell.

"Of course it's going to work, Calum. I've read enough boxer fanfics, they're basically 'how to' guides at this point." I assure him with a smile, reaching the bottom of the steps. "All I have to do is find him."

"Then let's get this over with." Calum says, just as the boxing bell rings.

Grabbing my hand, Calum tugs me further into the large basement where a roaring crowd is congregated. There must be about four to five hundred people packed inside, either sitting in the bleachers or grouped around the elevated ring, excitedly cheering on the two fighters ruthlessly throwing punches at each other.

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