Chapter one

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Your pov

"I've been here for six years! Please let me go!" I said. " no no no, the more you beg, the longer you stay." Said a Druid. " after all, why would we let our secret weapon go this soon, if only we could-" " you shall not do anything to her, haggard said so." Said another Druid.

Four years later, still your pov

I knew he lied right when he said that. ( well no dip Sherlock, sorry) I've been here since I was what, seven? It's been four years since I last begged to go home. Back to earth. They tell me that they've already taken over earth, so that I would lose hope in going home. I lost hope a long time ago, now it's just family loyalty that keeps me from completely losing it. I'm hoping my familia is still okay, even if I see my home ruled by the galra. 

The galra, or as I like to call them, big purple furries. It really gets on their nerves.

Anyways, I should probably introduce myself, I'm y/n McLain.( bet you saw that coming, huh?) I have h/l h/c with s/c. The galra have kinda changed my looks, but not my facial features, no.They've made it where I have feathery wings with horns sticking out of my head, a tail, talonish things on my big toes and pinky toes, and feathers all up and down the side of my legs, arms and cheeks. I also have feathers on my ears. They've also made where my five main senses are much more powerful than befor. I would thank them, but they hold me prisoner, and it's not fun to get expiermented on by haggar or any galra. They electrocute you to get answers out of you, or, when they expirement on you, they keep you awake just enough so you feel the pain. 

Anyways, the reason they did it to me is because I was the only human in the little handful that survived the first expirement. Where they gave me my wings. After I survived the first week, they started testing to see if I could transform back to a human with no " special features " .

I've learned to be the best fighter, better than the best galra soldier, except "lord" Zarkon and the the witch haggar and her Druids, and just in case I try to escape while in my cell, they put a shock collar on me. It has enough volts to kill a bull. They usually put it on the second highest so that it doesn't kill me, but zaps all my power.

Now back to the actual story

That night, a bit before they give us food, they throw another human in my cell. He looks about twenty, twenty one. Black hair with a floof on top. It looks like he just came from the gladiator arena, he has a big sword cut on his nose. Then he looks up, and his grey eyes go wide. I'm currently in my normal form, with no wings or anything, so I'm assuming he's surprised that there another human here. " who are you? Why are we here? " he asks. " I'd like to ask you the same thing." I say. " well, I'm Takashi Shirogane, but you can call me shiro. Me and my crew got captured by these aliens while we were on a mission to Kerberos." Don't you go thinking that this is a shiro x reader, cause it's not. You and him are more in a brother sister relationship. " well, I'm y/n McLain, I've been here since I was seven, I'm currently seventeen. The galra have been expirementing on me ever since I got captured. Would you like to see how?" " sure". At that time, I started to transform into the birdshot creature they turned me into. Shiro's face was priceless. He was scared but in awe at the same time, mainly scared.

Now they have finally brought our food, while we eat, we talk about earth and how much things have changed since I was last there. He talks about this boy he knew and it seems he cared quite a bit about this boy. He says that he's been to a lot of foster homes, and that, before shiro's mission, him and his fiancé Adam, were about to adopt him. Then he starts talking about how Adam is probably worried sick right now. I start nodding of halfway through his vent. He then notices and says we should probably go to bed, and who knows what tomorrow holds.

El fin.

Heyo I feel like this book is going to be much better than my other which I have sadly discontinued. This book is going to be in your pov the whole time. Anyways, have a good night or day, peace out!✌️✌✌✌✌

Word count: 846

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