Chapter 2 my dudes

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And with that they fell asleep...

Major time skip brought to you by Kaltenecker 

Your pov

Today was the day, it's been three years since shiro has been captured, and we're going to finally try and escape. We've both been listening and timing the guards patrols/rotations to figure out our path, and when they lead us to the torture room or the gladiator, we scout our routes to the escape pods.


Shiro got into position beside the door. Then a bot comes in to get me, shiro quickly destroys it (?) and grabs my hand and we run out. Quickly but quietly we run through the ship, watching out for guards, and all around being sneaky.

Sooner or later we come to the escape pods, and we let down our guards. All to soon though, because a minute later, bots are shooting at us and calling for backup. 

I quickly transform and start attacking them with my talons and wings, while shiro starts getting the pod ready. He then whistled to tell me to come on. Right as I'm turning I get shot in the back by a stunner. " damn bot " I mutter to myself.

Then I see shiro running towards me befor everything goes black...

Wassup dudes, finally posted an actual chapter! Aren't y'all proud! Kidding, anyways, should you make it in the pod or not? Comment what y'all want! Have a good night or day or whatever, also sorry it was so short, I wanted to know what y'all want, so yeah. Bye✌️✌✌✌✌✌✌

P.s you ain't gonna be lances sis cause there's to many of those, anyways, bye for real this time!!!

Word count: 277

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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